
It’s terrifying that if this man had just a CURSORY sense of self-awareness he’d probably be elected president. Don’t even stop lying or talking about the wall or NATO or outsourcing or crooked Hillary. Just avoid half the irrelevant self-indulgent impulsive own-foot-shooting fuck-ups. Talk about how awesome you are

Pence wise and pound foolish.


One time I opened the mail of an ex roommate who had moved and never came to pick up mail because it contained a free sample of chocolate and I am NOT SORRY.

The Rant Is Too Damn High

This is his first honest answer! I'm coming around on this guy!

Dear God.

Little known fact is he is always intoxicated

my tip for a successful boombox: before drilling, see that the ammo can is empty!

Thank goodness he's ok - it would have been really ugly if he dyed.

Seriously, this just blew my mind.

This actually a really nice article. Congrats

Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.

I’d have more respect if they could recognize the basic fact that people have always, ALWAYS known exactly what is and isn’t racist. The only difference now is you’re less likely to get actually for-real lynched for pointing it out or speaking against it. People of color’s reaction hasn’t changed, it’s just gotten

Old Man Yells at Chair

Do they make gloves that would fit his hands, though?

*comes back to life*

*cough cough* saudi arabia *cough cough* egypt *cough cough cough*

I’d like to read that explanation, but it is longer than 140 characters, and seems to contain a substance called “nuance” that I hear is important in international diplomacy, but which just confuses me.