
So do high school kids have economic anxiety or are we relegating this one to those wacky kids with their childhood hijinks?

Agreed. Tiger has been making so many questionable decisions for like 15 years now.

This is the problem with medication in general. Dosage varies but also your body will react very differently to it. Especially if medication is mixed or combined.

Interesting. As someone who works in addictions, I have seen first-hand the adverse effects of prescription medication. When mixed with other medications, and of course depending on what is prescribed, it can have an even more serious effects than alcohol and can cause behaviors similar to being drunk. I wonder what


I wonder what kind of shitt hey talk about. Every time he starts a back in my day conversation does she roll her eyes but has to listen because she’s knows after grandpa daddy bae will slip her a hundo? Does he call her by all his nieces names before he gets it right.

All of Mike’s money went to his mom and kids. None of it to his siblings.

If you’re going to draw your hair on with shoe polish, why would that be the hairline you went with?

An alternate take:

Never call Carlos Boozer for hair advice.

Really??? I figured they had something coming in from Michael’s estate.

Sorry, just had to add this photo... of Jermaine dressed like ... a Nazi I guess?... while Jackie, Marlon and Randy are apparently going to play Rollerball.

Me: Meh, yeah, it’s weird but I’ve seen worse and it’s not THAT much different than...

In that picture he’s kissing her, she’s saying to herself “what the fuck did I do?”

and her boyfriend, Ross Mechanic

Tiffany Trump is like that girl who adds you on FB (even though she ignored you back in junior high) & has “School of Hard Knocks” under Education. The only thing stopping you from unfriending her is all the awesome drama on her wall.

I read a short article this morning about this, in the local ‘DC Express’, a little 24-page daily produced by the Washington Post. The whole thing read like, “Look at what VCU did! Delivered six babies with a crew of 40!” No real mention of the poor woman who hosted sextuplets for however long she carried them.

But... there really are gay elephants.

Thanks for this. Great explanation. My favorite part: