
I leave pretty much everything at home or in my car and only take a towel, book, sunscreen, sunglasses, car keys and maybe $10. The only thing someone would steal is the money and $10 is an amount that, if it is stolen, I can live with the loss.

A gorgeously made bed is one of the best reasons to stay in a hotel.

I will repeat: If I had a partner and I felt that I HAD to do this, I would not be in the relationship any longer. But saying that it is unfair to be asked for the information after you have cheated on a spouse is ridiculous. You would have lost all trust. It must be earned back.

I agree with you to a certain point. I wouldn’t ask for his information - it was freely given to me. Some backstory: my husband was married before and his ex used the internet to set up all her affairs. I gave my information to him - not because he asked for it ever - but because I literally have no reason NOT to give

I am always amazed at the number of people on the internet that feel like they know everything about strangers and feel like they have all the answers to said strangers’ lives. You should probably actually KNOW someone before passing judgment on their relationships.

I would say that if a partner has cheated and we decided to try and make it work, that trust and certain privacies have to be re-earned. I would also say that if you are the spouse who is demanding to see such things you probably shouldn’t be married any longer :)

I should have stipulated from the jump that I wouldn’t stay with a spouse who slept with someone else. I don’t consider things like a drunken kiss as cheating, more a sign that the marriage needs tending to immediately lest things get worse.

I know who I am. If I had a spouse who cheated, there is no way I could ever

I’ve got to say. If my husband cheated on me and then refused to allow me access to his phone/email/facebook, I would be immediately suspicious. Hell, I’ve never cheated on him and I still gave him access to that stuff. What do I care if he sees emails from my friends and texts from my mom?

I’m thinking you may not have to not blame Jose for much longer. Losing to Liverpoop is the worst way to lose.

Mrwatson2, you have a glorious profile pic. I bet you are feeling as woebegone as I am today, yes?


I’m not even really into big dicks, but DAYUM. The girth on that is delicious.

Everytime I think about the college poster sales I think of that Buffy episode where the vamps who are killing coeds keep track of how many have Monet’s The Water Lillies vs. Klimt’s The Kiss. Snerk!!! Brilliant because it’s true 😃

There’s something in the background ...?

I made it my text notification! That man may be misquoted but as soon as I hear it, I get ridiculously happy.


Uhhhh hi. Can you share where you got that???

I can’t think of O’Hara without thinking of my dad. He irrationally hated the woman, probably because she was in Spencer’s Mountain, a film that skeeved him out to no end. Personally I could take her or leave her though I enjoyed her in Mr Hobbs Takes A Vacation.

I haven’t noticed a charging port but I could do some more searching.

I know. It’s wrong. So wrong.