
I got a camp cot and a lantern with those. No idea why, I hated camping and just used them in our backyard.

It was utterly delicious and amazing :(

Several years ago I had the joy of eating at the Times Square HoJo a few days before it closed for Good. It was magical. And delicious.

My husband promised me last year that we could go to Lake George just so I could eat at HoJo. I have to speed up that trip.

No mention of Howard Johnsons yet??? Ridiculous. I still long for a clam strip sandwich and chocolate ice cream soda.

In my former life, I was an events planner so I stayed at A LOT of hotels. I got fruit baskets filled with bottles of local wine; picnic baskets with fruit, cheese, meat and wine; gift certificates for hotel spa services; bags filled with a hotel’s private line of spa products; flowers; rounds of golf and rounds at

The headline is more than a little misleading.

I’m a purist. In the summer I always have water, straight. My husband also brews our own flavored iced tea. Our current favorites are a mint and a peach flavored.

Why is my favorite season of The Wire constantly put down??? I LOVE season 2!!!

Yep, just last month. After 2.5 years as a SAHM I finally went back into the work force. As I was just looking for something to make a little money and spend some time around adults, I took a position at Target as I thought it would do well with the hours I could work, I.e. while my kid was at school, after my

I like to take bread and butter pickle slices, put them between two chips and make a little sandwich.

Why is everyone lately showing that weird sweater hanging technique? Just fold your sweaters people! That will also prevent hanger bumps.

Color me shocked by this study. I was on OKCupid. I already knew this info.

What the .... NO AL GREEN? Ridiculous.

The Le Creuset outlets also have good prices, especially on their discontinued colors. We were browsing this summer and they had 40% off the outlet prices plus you get the Le Creuset guarantee (the only thing you lose when you buy at TJ Maxx & HomeGoods)

Oh, like all of that information will stop me.


I stumbled onto this article. When I clicked the link above I learned that the YouTube page is no longer valid. :(

And yet Sirius was a total bellend to poor Kreacher ... :(