
We were living rich on family roadtrips if we stayed at a Howard Johnsons and had dinner and breakfast during our stay. The ice cream there was some of the best.

Plus Orange and Blue Sherbet.

The other option here is selling your stuff to the roommates, and investing in new home goods that aren’t crusted over with the filth of cohabitators.

Plus, taking all the large things on the day when the OP already has a truck and people helping just makes sense. Moving in two stages is too big a cost to pay for being excessively concerned about the ex-roommates’ laundry. This is true even if the OP is moving with a pickup truck and a couple friends, because I’m

Dear LW,

The clams were fantastic but do you remember the black and white soda? I think it was made with vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup. They used to serve all of their ice cream with those cookies that tasted like an ice cream cone. The candy counter sold chocolate candy lollipops also. I miss that place.

I went to a “fancy” restaurant in Asbury Park, NJ inside an old HoJo. After eating there, I wish it were still a HoJo.

Chipotle is going under because twice they’ve had high-profile poisonings of large groups of people.

Uhhmmmm... they’re going through a tightening up of marketing, and I’ve seen a few signs replaced recently with newer logo. They’d have to tighten up a LOT to fix the food.

Six year old me thought Sizzler was the most magical place in the world. I can eat pudding and macaroni salad at the same time? THE SAME TIME!?!

Physical attraction is highly motivating. I have found myself wishing it weren’t true because it just complicates things: “feelings” “aren’t there” for women you have a good friendship / report with, but then you get quickly invested on some good looking woman you went on one date with that you met online. It makes

Well, just becaus you have never had trouble, let’s ignore all the women saying they have.

How is suggesting to meet up and offering an available date not allowing equality?

I honestly can’t see a way you can ask someone out on a date with complete “equality.” At some point, one of you has to make a suggestion to go on a date, and more times than not, that includes the time and day of the proposed date, as well as a general suggestion for what could happen.

Wow. I’m special. Being a bad tipper is absolutely a deal-breaker for me.

Heinz Ketchup!

Really? I was under the impression it was more expensive than a regular grocery store

I can confirm that the chicken salad was made with the previous day's left-over chicken. That's not a bad thing; left-over chicken is good for up to 4 days if it's refrigerated. On top of it, Chick-fil-a's chicken salad is delicious.

Funny - that's how I make it at my house, too! (Leftover chicken from dinner the night before often turns into wraps or salad)

I used to work at Chik Fil A for most of my high school working years, and I have to say I never really had any bad things to say. I will note that if you come through our drive through at 10:01PM and start ordering food you'll get some "unique" ingredients added. Needless to say, I tend to stay away from fast food