
Did you see the spread of wedding guest pics that some mag website published recently?? I was in HEAVEN.

Hell yeah truth!!! I would love to be a gorgeous princess, living in the land of IKEA and married to a fox.

Shamefully, yes I probably would if we are going just on looks.

I KNOW WHO THEY ARE!!!! Mostly because Sweden has the most absurdly gorgeous royal family in the world. I adore looking at pictures of them.

Isn’t she just odd in that Stelara commercial? The way she arches her back and pokes out her butt, and the stilted way she says her lines.

... and this is why I am still playing Sid Meier’s PIRATES! on my original XBox. Old Faithful I call it!

You know what that means, right? We have exquisite taste :D

No. NO. Why can’t Hollywood stop shitting all over my childhood?

Laurie taught me the architectual term “enfilade,” a suite of rooms that are aligned with each other, each one opening onto the next. That each one needs to be in harmony with the next.

She always seemed like she would be a total sweetheart.

I REMEMBER THIS EPISODE!!!!! I bet Gen was lovely, wasn’t she??

Only Vern? I LOVED Laurie’s designs because that redhead managed to make every design look outrageously expensive. My least favorite were Hildi (because of course) and Frank. Lovely guy but his rooms were so artsy-craftsy country yuck.

No - Lachlan is the son of the new owner from New York. The cop’s missing son is Holden. His Daughter is Scarlett.

I can’t believe I actually kiss since just the thought of spit - even my own at times - will cause my stomach to roll. Honestly, I can be sitting around watching TV and all of the sudden the thought of WHAT’S in my mouth hits me and bam! Dry heaves.

While I can understand a drunken kiss at a party as accidental, there is no way I will ever understand sex as “accidental.” That’s why when that happened, I left and didn’t look back. Either I am with someone who values me and our relationship enough to not lie and run around behind my back, or I go it alone. I firmly

We actually did talk about it! And she acknowledged that she was the one who did the break up but said that for the life of her, she can’t remember what set her off :)

Your user name makes me want to change mine to stigmatalingous 😀

That happened to me in college. One day my best friend just stopped talking to me and I had zero clue as to what happened. I never ever stopped missing her though. Fast forward 13 years. One night Ihad a message from her on FB. She said that she found out we were living about 10 miles away from each other. She said

It was disturbing. I fail to understand the logic in the article. Just because people are doing it doesn’t mean that it is a good thing to do. I am disturbed by the number of people who seem to want to make it seem like an OK thing to do.

Walking on Sunshine. Of course.