
So ... why would anyone want to be in a relationship where there isn’t a possibility of communication? Perhaps for a small number there would still be a type of love but is that even possible when there can be no honest talking??

I need to say nothing to this since two others said everything pertinent.

This is a very problematic topic. For example, if you have two people who both agree that they will marry but will be comfortable with some straying within some specific parameters, then hey! Go for it! I do believe that traditional marriage isn’t necessarily a one-size-fits-all thing.

Ever since I read that Kate Winslett uses nothing but Nivea I’ve ditched all my other lotions and used it exclusively. Absolutely love it!! It makes my skin feel like silk!!!

We have impressed upon him that the two of us will also be eating a teaspoon of things we don’t like if he picks them for his dinner nights. My husband is already dreading the inevitable grilled cheese night. He’s some kind of demon that doesn’t like cheese ...

That is the GREATEST story to hear because other than your new wife having two children, you could be my husband! He also had a wife that gave in completely and we would say that every day we got him back from her we were starting back at square one every week. So frustrating! Now she is gone for good and he can

LOL I’ve only been here a year so my husband and mother-in-law taught him to throw the tantrums (I curse them every time!). I’ve always said that if I had kids, I would parent them the way my mother did me: tough but fair. I remember whining to my mother once about how she didn’t say she was my friend the way a

The Ram and Daisy sex scene. And the Topsy/Vanessa one! My first girl-on-girl one!!!

We can also not forget THEIR fairy godmother, Jacqueline Susann.

So I watch Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team (What?) and they have a clause in their contracts that states that the girls can’t deviate during the season within so many pounds from the weight they were when their training camp started. I don’t actually think this is such a horror since when you are hired

Oh my goodness. I am crossing my fingers because we will be having salad again tonight. I am hoping for a peaceful meal!

Oh my goodness. I am crossing my fingers because we will be having salad again tonight. I am hoping for a peaceful meal!

I just became a (step)parent and the boy is currently getting schooled in this issue. Due to stuff, my husband never really punished him, therefore he goes through life thinking that he can get away with anything he likes. Now he is being asked to EAT things he doesn’t want. We’ve come up with expectations for meals.

SWEET JESUS this has come just in time! I have a six year old stepson that has never really had any limits placed on him and we now need to get him to improve his eating. This was the first week of our new family rules and things went less than well At one point I was pinched and bit. He’s a bit pissed off.

I can’t watch any Golden Girls episodes any longer. It just reminds me that Bea Arthur is dead and I dearly love Bea Arthur forever and forever.

I’m gonna be honest with you: That kitten is so cute I want to eat it.

I used to have a jar of La Mer. Is it sacrilege if I say that it never seemed to do me much good?


Thank you so much - I wish there was too. I guess I should be thankful there was at least one within an hour! The shocking thing is that there are at least SIX colleges within 30 miles of us. You would think there would be more ...

Thank you so much :) I have to say, I am a fairly cynical person who finds most people to be disappointments. But since this news broke (and this was all a pretty big story in our area since my stepson was molested by his mother) people have just been so freaking kind and supportive. Complete strangers, you know?? For