
My little family is currently on week three of finding out that our child was sexually abused 4 years ago. Luckily he remembers nothing but my husband and I are reeling. Out therapist has finally found a support group for us and it is and hour away from our fairly good-sized city near the state capital. I was shocked

I don’t have a problem with people being attracted to what they are attracted to. I have a problem when they CLAIM they have no preference when they absolutely do. Just own your shit, people!

Watching Hoarders stirs 3 things in me:

I like to think that I am not as old mentally as I am chronologically but looking at these pictures makes me want to roll my eyes and mutter about the nonsense that people wear today. Bikini tops on top of a button down shirt? Who raised these people?

I’m sorry. There was simply not enough Mellie there. I protest.

You said “cheese.” I’M IN.

I have zero clue who this person is. I tried to watch the Dear Fat People video but she was very shrill and it is late and I’m old. If she’s a comedian, she isn’t a very good one.

Oh fuck no. Fuck. No.

My husband made me watch a marathon of Fast n’ Loud one night. Richard is nothing more than a pile of mule shit studded with cheap jewelry and a weird scarf.

Oh sweetie! I made sure to get all the Le Creuset AND the Dyson

I had similar shit happen to me. Hell, I had one bitch spread it around that I was living in the office after I worked late a few days. No thanks on the work friends thing. I’ll just put in my hours and then go home to spend time with the real people in my life.

I fall on the side of “not a good idea.” Shit can get unbearably awkward fast. And don’t even get me started on the folly of being FB friends with coworkers. That way lies madness.

I don’t know. My mom gave me some advice when I started my first job after college. She said that I should always maintain cordial and friendly relations with my coworkers but that I should really think carefully before I tried to move into a friendship outside the office. That lines can get very blurred and can make

We were actually at our CAC this morning for his interview. Thank Jeebus he remembers nothing! Also, he didn’t need to goget the physical exam. They told usthat we have everything in the works that we need to do. I guessed that already but it is comforting to hear from professionals :)

Yes it is his mother. The anger is tremendous and there is nothing that will make that go away. It just fucking bubbles away day and night.

Thank you. My husband and I had an emergency therapy session the day we found out ( huge believers of the therapy process) and we will have a standing appt once a week for at least a month. And he is trying to find us a support group. We need to get out our fears and our anger (at her) and my husband is dealing with

Your post made me cry - in a good way! He is the sweetest, most loving, weirdest kid. Since he was so young when the abuse happened we’re crossing fingers that he doesn’t have a memory of what happened and that our most immediate issue to deal with is not being able to see his mom again. I just ... Want to get started

Thanks so much. I keep thinking that we can get through anything as long as we focus on the important things. He’s only 6 so our hope is that he remembers nothing of the abuse. We know he’ll eventually know about this (thanks local media, you fucks!) but if we can get him through the next few years ...

We’re already signed up for a weekly counseling session, and I can’t wait to start. The psychologist is also trying to find the support group we desperately need right now. We keep saying that this didn’t happen to the boy a few days ago. It happened years ago, and if he remembers anything (he was 2), he’s already

I was married to my HS sweetheart and like you, he was my first everything. We were together for a total of 18 years before separating/divorcing. As scared as I was of what might happen and how I was going to take care of myself for the first time ever, I was more afraid of staying with him and being so goddamn