
Seven days ago, my husband and I found out that his son was molested by his ex wife four years ago. Every day we have had a new, horrible hurdle thrown at us. Tomorrow is the meeting with the forensic psychologist to see what the boy remembers and a medical exam with full blood tests to see if he contracted any STDs-

Shredded cheddar, spreadable cheddar, block of extra sharp English cheddar, sliced provolone, brie, fresh mozzarella, shaved parmesan, grated parmesan/asiago, shredded mozzarella, and manchego.

We love cheese.

If someone I am eating with questions me about why I want separate checks, my alarm goes off. I always assume it is because they are a person that will order a shitload of stuff that I am expected to pay for.

Yes, yes, yes! Truth be told, my blood pressure is rising just remembering my coworker who always tossed money down on the table (never enough) and claimed that he had to get to a meeting. AND THE MAN WAS MAKING WAY MORE MONEY THAN THE REST OF US FORCED TO MAKE UP HIS PART.

Have you never gone out to a lunch with a group of coworkers? I used to have one that would CONSISTENTLY not chip in enough for his meal and NEVER add a tip. And guess who was always the first person to suggest splitting the check? Yeah. It was always up to the person collecting the money from the table that got stuck

THIS IS ONE OF MY GREATEST PET PEEVES. Unless I am with my family and possibly one friend, regardless of the people I am with, when the waitress approaches the table I say that my check will be separate. If a person I am with gets upset about this, tough titties. Why should this offend you in any way?

lol He’s become boringly normal in his old age. A middle school teacher in fact :D

Oh no! My BIL was just a weird kid. In addition to the Jaws thing, when he got mad he used to take off his clothes and run around in his underwear like The Hulk. Or how he wore a complete football outfit every day. Or how he spent one summer posing as a statue in public. 😃

In my husband’s defense, he has never eaten a frog and his brother was 4 or 5.

Mmmhmmm. The number of bizarro stories centered on my BIL’s childhood could fill a strange book.

Not my story but ... My husband and his brother attended the same experimental private school when they were small. One day my future brother-in-law decided to re-enact Jaws for his kindergarden class. To make things as realistic as possible, he jumped into the school’s koi pond and bit a live frog in two. Both boys

You sound like my best friend! I’m not sure if the doctor added a few stiches, but she had to go and get a little incision things were so tight

No words. I am sending you a hug.

I don’t know you, but I feel for you. Some miracles should not be witnessed. Especially if pooping might be involved.

When I was in my child bearing years I informed my husband that there was no way he could be anywhere near me if I had a baby. Having someone, anyone, watch that. No thank you.

I have zero mileage in this! I’m merely a stepmom 😃 I do have a freaky post-birth story though! My best friend had her baby and went through the weeks of no sex while healing. First time they tried sex she had searing pain and had to stop. Saw her gyno and discovered that she had healed a bit too well. Somehow she

I feel lightheaded just considering these things ...

But when they stitch up after they could add a few extra stitches for a pre-birth tightness 😃

Or an episiotomy!

Watching that Tom Hardy made me spontaneously produce a zygote.