Given that at least one of the models on that page (lower right hand box) looks to be about 14-15, vastly inappropriate. The 69 Me girl looks pretty young too.
Given that at least one of the models on that page (lower right hand box) looks to be about 14-15, vastly inappropriate. The 69 Me girl looks pretty young too.
Jesus tap dancing Christ ... I know I can be inappropriate but who the fuck would buy such shit?
Well then ... If they aren’t selling anything, why keep buying stock and accruing debt? I forgot to mention in the original post that her comments make me want to slap her with a rotting fish.
Are those items for sale on that site?? Who in God’s name is actually buying that inappropriate shit?
I am a dragon!!!! Just a tidy one!!
Even when I am flinging my treasures about I like a modicum of tidiness. I’m not a filthy animal!!!
Great. Between the Wikipedia wormhole and now this I may never get my lair cleaned ...
Oh fuck all of those parents. My stepson is lucky if I remember to throw in a snack sized bag of goldfish.
Wait ... is that Pam Anderson now? Because that person looks about 10 years younger than Pam and fresher. Am I in bizzarro world?
Also a Pennsylvanian - Where the hell did this happen???
No evening out for me this Halloween. I am now scared shitless that I will run into some big, drunken, hairy man in this ensemble.
I totally get that. My husband works in an uber-macho place and he tells me all the time about his co-workers trying to initiate affairs with women and I just don’t get it. I’m not judging people for wanting to sleep with different people, but then why get married? Just stay single and don’t be so cruel to those you…
Since I never wanted children, deciding to take time off to be a SAHM never factored into any of my plans. Then 2014 occurred. A few months after meeting an AMAZING single dad, I was fired from work. He immediately asked me to move in with him. Two months later we were engaged. Merging two households, fighting with my…
Wow. I was in an accident on the Garden State Parkway last year and totaled my car. Not only did no one stop to help me, but the state police drove away and left me standing on the side of the road. Guess you need to be birthing to get help on the Garden State.
I had a friend who used to sneak in large-sized McDonald combos. I was most impressed by the large coke in his pocket.
I lost my job in October. I was lucky enough to be dating a wonderful, supportive man who immediately asked me to move in with him and told me not to worry about sharing expenses. His monthly bills didn’t change at all once I moved in. I was so upset by the whole experience (they decide to fight me on…
I am not sure why the world needed to know this. What happened to this poor woman - being held hostage, tortured and killed - was already terrible. I think we all already knew that ISIS was a horrible group that needs to be stopped. Putting this additional news out there seems to be unreasonably cruel for her family…
Lol I have vivid memories of my father taking me to Saturday ballet lessons and being the only man waiting in a room of women :D