
Should this not be filed to NO SHIT?

I read Kondo’s book and started my cleanout last night. Almost one third of my hanging shirts didn’t make the cut and around 10 skirts! It is a really good start for me and I feel really good about my choices. Tomorrow I will be doing pants, shoes, purses, lingerie and workout clothes!!!!

Not an Arsenal fan (a Chelsea girl here), but that was a decisive win - congrats!!! :-)

Poached!!!! Just a hop, skip and a jump to eggs benedict with poached eggs!!!

My husband and I call his 5 year old the Walking Id. They say and do any ludicrous thing that pops into their heads. Most of it is absolutely insane lol

I can co-sign on this rant.

Fun fact! My ex-husband used to call my ass “The Peach.”

I refuse to hear scurillous claims against my beloved jarts. I finally - FINALLY! - found a set in the original box at a flea market today. After 15 years of searching! My husband was a bit horrified that I paid $75 for them.

My wedding was two days ago, and yes, we both cried. After pretty bad first marriages for both of us, neither of us thought we would ever find someone to love again. Happily we were wrong and we cried when sharing special vows with each other. No veils were used to wipe noses but we did brush tears off each other’s

Ok, ok. I will (unselfishly) volunteer to adopt both fawn and kitty so they don’t have to be parted.

Happy anniversary to you!!! But I won’t have one till next year - we just got married today!!! :)

Oh fuck me. I apparently now share a wedding anniversary with these two chuckleheads. I could’ve done without that.

I definitely look forward to NY Seltzer, but if we are campaigning to bring back some old favorites, can we skip anymore beverages and lobby for these???

Kangaroos are one of those animals that people seem to think of as benign. Maybe because they stand up on two feet like we do? I dunno. But they are strong and they are as aggressive as hell and if I saw one I would very quickly walk the other way.

HOW THE HELL DID I NOT KNOW THAT THEIR TAILS COULD HOLD THEM UP WHEN THEY DOUBLE KICK?!?!? I had to watch this video twice before I figured out how them seemed to be levitating while kicking.

I know this is terrible, but I read your first sentence and just started giggling uncontrollably. Thanks for the laugh :D

Those bridesmaid dresses look really lovely but the colors offered are pretty blah.

A pencil store?? How silly!! Now if it was a pen store I would be there instantly.

Or maybe ... People are just obsessed with looking back on seven season’s worth of TV and trying to find connections that aren’t there. It is more probable that although there was always an idea that a main character would die of cancer (as so many did) they had no idea which it would be until season 5 or 6.

One of those Freestyle soda machines. Because everyone knows that fountain coke is the best coke, but also that sometimes you just want a Dr Pepper or a grape soda.