
I am both aroused and sickened by the video. Sickened because HOLYSHITHIGHHIGHHIGH. Aroused by Lee. That man is very pretty and it looks like he has some nice hands.

I'm pretty cool with this. I generally like self-serve options, from the you scan lines at the grocery store to the ordering kiosks at Sheetz. I'd be happy to have the option at fast food places.

Just reading this article makes me want to vomit. I read it too close to lunchtime.


I know my limitations and will not be watching the video and blubbering. However to celebrate the kittens being rescued I will now squeeze my own old girl, smooch her head and tell her how I will never let her in the lair alone when there is a hurricane.

And snapping black eyes!!!

By "worst", do you mean "the best"? BECAUSE THEY ARE.

That is a beautiful gift. I hope someone got that on video :D

I do not want to be That Person ... but her body was much softer then. That is all I will say.

LOL I never considered Love Boat anything other than a sitcom :D

Now playing

Were they only looking at dramas? I don't think I saw any dramas listed above.

There is nothing that tops Dynasty in so many ways:

I cannot hear the Love Boat theme without imagining the parade of late 70s/early 80s actors during the credits. They were always the most random people. Love it.

Much like birds, bird attorneys are wily.

That is really not a good look. I would ALMOST be willing to believe she is pregnant because she looks so much fuller in the face. Girl hasn't looked like that in over a decade.

It is like Leprechaun Era Jennifer Aniston. It's kind of freaking me out.

From what year is that picture of Jennifer Aniston??? Good lord ...

Why do you hate America?

Grandpas. Grandpas eat Good & Plentys. No one else.

I've always had a weakness for men who specialize in bird law.