
I am absolutely NOT saying that. After all, where else can you pick up all your saucy tshirts, filthy cards, trucker hats and cheap sexual aides under one roof???

You're really overthinking this. It is obviously a tasteless gag gift, much like the crap you find at Spencers.

I'd give the huffy "it was football before the Americans took over the name" but I'm too damn tired. Just consider the lecture completed, thanks.

I already share this link on FB and warned all 72 of my friends that if they try this bullshit with me, I will cut them and then delete their shredded asses.

Flames. Flames, on the side of my face.

I used to get all my cashmere sweaters there and still have pieces that i bought there almost a decade ago. They used to be around $140 full price and would go on sale for around $90 (which is when I bought them) Now they are $200, only go down to $120 on sale and the quality is abyssmal.

Maybe it is because I truly disliked her character in Blue Is the Warmest Colour, but this chick really rubs me the wrong way.

The worst part is that he puts effort into that 'do.

Is he a douche because he has that hairstyle, or did he get the hairstyle because he's a douche? Chicken and egg ...

There is nothing quite like being told that who you are at your core - that everything that makes you you isn't worth as much as your outside shell.

Let's go French onion soup (for the cheese browning) and creme brulees!

And oh yeah! They tasted juuuuuust fine. Nice burned patches!!

We dream big, don't we?

First my husband forbid it due to the "incident." When we got divorced, my parents did. They fear I will start a fire or possibly set my cat on fire. In their defense I am quite clumsy. I believe they have circulated my photo to area TJ Maxxs, HomeGoods and Marshalls.

Everyone is like "Why not just pop them in the microwave?" Such uncouth beasts. IT IS ALL ABOUT THE BURNED CRUSTY PARTS!!

And ... dare I mention? ... all the wedding boards. I have actually cut people from my life because of the preponderance of pins of brides in cowboy boots, tots coming down the aisle with a sign that says "UNCLE DAN, HERE COMES YOUR GIRL!!" and people kissing in front of a barn door while holding a small chalkboard.

Or collecting ideas for your manicurist.

I love s'mores so much I got in trouble with my husband for cooking marshmallows on a fondue fork held over a can of sterno to make them one afternoon. While in our bedroom. Watching a marathon of MTV's Fat Camp. It is because of that incident that all of my sterno was confiscated AND I was forbidden to ever own a

Raisin cookies in any form are of the devil because they usually go around looking like chocolate chip cookies on a plate. Asshole cookies ...

His torso is startlingly long! IS HE A HUMAN/PRAYING MANTIS HYBRID?? I can't even begin to discuss his pants until that torso issue is figured out.