
Your only issue is the hair?? How about the disturbing fake tan and overall meathead stench wafting through the computer screen?

I read the book it was based on when it came out and really liked it. Then they put out that movie. That movie is dreadful. Probably one of the worst movies I have ever seen and I do not say that lightly. Most movies you can find something, some little thing, that you can say "well, that wasn't too bad I guess."

He got at least five earfuls :)

That is really kind of you - thank you :) Everything you say is absolutely true, and I know I am better off without a person like him in my life (way too concerned about the opinions of others and surface stuff). Much to my embarrassment, I'm still struggling a bit with missing who I thought he was.

Or do you mean ... ROOTING FOR???

We don't live in the same area so we went out when he was here. When I went to his place, we stayed in. He cooked, we cuddled on the sofa watching movies, etc. I thought he just wanted to spend time alone with me. Not so much. I am embarrassed that I didn't cotton onto everything earlier. That is fucking

He actually felt like he was being a good "friend" to me by saying he still wanted to spend time with me. No lie. He was pretty surprised when I informed him that he wasn't good enough for me to be friends with.

Thanks - it is rough. And though I know that the whole thing says much more about him (he's a cowardly asshole) than me, my self esteem took a hit I have never experienced before. This is all by way of saying that this episode hit extremely close to home :)

Actually, you're quoting from my second post. The first post said this:

The issue with your theory is that you are discussing a type of breakup that didn't occur. He did not end things between us because he wasn't attracted to me, didn't love me, didn't enjoy being with me or because the sex was bad. It was because, due to my non-perfect body, he felt uncomfortable admitting to his

I take it that you mean I would have been upset no matter what he said because it was a break up. In this case, that is not true.

The worst part of the break up wasn't hearing about how gross the man I'd loved for 2 years thought I was. It was when he told me that he still felt the same about me and would really like to still get together and cook dinner, watch movies, see me ... Meaning that I was good enough to date, just not good enough to

Nope, not an exceptional experience. I was with a man for 2 years. We were great friends, had great sex, lots of fun ... and he dumped me two months ago because he was embarrassed to be seen with me because of my weight. Let me interject here that I am by no means grossly overweight, but I could definitely stand to


What the hell ... How could you forget Coke Badger???

I would love to be a fly on the wall when this chick goes for another reading. "It says you did some work for 'Sex Sent Me to the ER.' Tell us about that." "Well I played a woman with Pop Rocks in her vagina!"

The acting in this is embarassing me so much.

Exactly. How bush league is this woman?

I don't!!!

I blame everything in this story on Scientology.