
That's probably for the best.

Are there any pictures with the nose?

Damn. I love the way they have special smiles for when they are looking at each other. I am disgustingly jealous of that much love.

He is one of the few actors/actresses that I feel would not disappoint IRL!!

That information makes me tremendously happy :D :D :D

I did hear that about white ink, but I was thinking that when/if it does fade maybe I will be brave enough to justs say "fuck it" and get regular ink to redo it :D

He is too frickin' cute and goofy for words. NOTHING is sexier than a good looking man who can truly be a goofball.

Oh my God, I love this man.

Welp. Now I need to head to NYC to get my picture taken with this. Yes, I am one of those people.

I would like your sloppy seconds, thanks.

Frankly, Dallas deserves a man who is not going to look down on her for her love of crystals and "Bump and Grind."

I should also mention that it will be about the size of a quarter :D

I thought about that but I want to be able to see it. So I think I am going to get it on my left wrist in white ink. Since it is a symbol, it should just look like a scar if it is out. :D

I put it down to George and Dallas breaking up, which just allowed the New York venom to back up. Dallas may be a silly woman, but she also a kind and joyful person. Christ knows that those two need someone like that in their lives.

I totally, TOTALLY agree with you. I also want to get something highly personal as a tattoo and am uninterested in explaining it to people. It is for no one but me.

I used to really love Suburgatory, but both George and Tessa have gotten so awful and unlikeable this season that I'm not so sad to see them go. Guess I should start catching up on Trophy Wife now ...

I believe they are there to remind you how much you SHOULDN'T be eating.

At an all-you-can-eat crab place in Hilton Head, I once made my mister sit with me for three hours while I beat the 5 month old "ladies most pounds eaten" record. He was so proud that evening.

I will give you one MILLION DOLLARS for that shirt.

It is very warm. We should think about removing SHORTS *coughTimRigginscough*