
IT'S A TWOFER!!!! Great Gawd Almighty, I am sweating now.

I suppose that could be an excuse, but that is all it is. If you are old enough to live on your own you should be willing and able to do simple household tasks, no matter where or with who you are living.

Who are these lazy ass young adults? Just because you are your parents home doesn't mean that you can not only make your own lunch and do your laundry, but you could also get off your ass and do a bit of dusting, making dinner and SHOCKING! maybe do your parents' laundry. Jesus.


I would like a GIF of him walking around with those low slung shorts that showed off that delicious V

How utterly shitty for you!


If I take all of the makeup I buy in a year with colors that are not quite right, $300 is a mere pittance.

I felt the same way when they came out with 3D phones. It's all magick. Burn all the witches.

Valley of the Dolls is one of the books I re-read every summer. It is the perfect summer book.

Nope! Pennsylvania :D

I would go further and say that teenage boys are downright gross. They are all weird and immature and usually with the burping and farting and dick swinging. And ZERO moves.

If Tammie Taylor was still principal, all would be right with the world.

Why did I have to scroll thiiiiiiiissssssss far down to find a FNL reference? I am scandalized.

And so it came to pass.

Sweet Christ, a Jezebel book club would be awesome.

I'm interested in the fact that you had to point out "many times" that sister fucking didn't need to be included. What state has such a high sister fucking number?

I love book clubs ... I just need to find the right one. Let me tell you how horrid mine was: I chose Valley of the Dolls for my pick once (in July - POOL/BEACH READ) and they all failed to see the magic weirdness of it.

Fifteen to twenty moves is a lot so I get your desire for roots. In my whole life I have maybe moved .. six times? In addition to the cleaning out and organizing, I love labeling boxes with colored stickers (Yes, I am that person) and drawing diagrams of my new lair with all the furniture arranged. Perhaps my dream

I hate Eat, Pray, Love more than any book ever. I had to read it when I was in a book club of wealthy SAMs who thought it was "ahhhhhhhmazing!"