
I always consider a meal a success if I just end the meal without food all over my tits.

Feh. I can have liquor all the time. Sherbert and 7-Up punch?? That shit is special.

I don't know that "like" is the right word but it does feel nice to go to a wedding and not feel as if the couple is trying to impress everyone there with their giant expensive wedding.

Totally an appropriate user name for this topic!!

I like to buy pretty undies with the option of wearing them. But frankly i find them uncomfortable.

My ex always asked why I bothered buying new underwear when I rarely wore them. Boom.

I throw out when they start getting nasty, especially my period pants. Because those bastards are nasssssteeeee.

And this would be why I keep my circle of girlfriends to 7 lol

When I got married we were all a year or less out of college and no money. I had three friends in my bridal party. One picked out the pattern, another picked out the fabric and the third chose their accessories which I bought as their gifts. They got a local seamstress to make their gowns .. i think they cost $75

And what about when you sit down to pee and your tampon falls out? I don't care how bad it is for the environment, I'm not going fishing in such a situation.

I feel your pain. I had to decline being in my best and oldest friend's wedding because I couldn't commit financially to the dress, hotel room, weekend bachelorette party, bridal shower, travel AND gifts. I made the decision to only attend the wedding and the shower because they were "close" enough to drive to (2

Ehhhh ... I would probably take the class because it's always good to have another item for my sex arsenal.

I am not saying that every single wedding should be declined. I just think that every single wedding doesn't NEED to be accepted, especially if the invitee has financial restraints. And no one should accept an invitation, knowing that they are going to have to put out a significant amount of money, and then proceed

While assuring the full amount of gifts/cards? I would think so!! ;)

I'm sorry that I wasn't clear! I think you should absolutely go to your friend's wedding! I just meant that when faced with multiple weddings where costs add up, I think more people should think about ONLY going to the ones where the money you spend ISN'T going to make you feel resentful. Obviously, for you, even

It is so much easier to accept the invitation and then complain about the inconvenience :D

My vagina is weeping.

I had almost the same situation: oldest and dearest friend had a very elaborate wedding planned, including the weekend bachelorette party and fancy shower at a hotel. My husband had been out of work for over a year. We managed to get to the wedding (I really, really wanted to be there) but I declined being Maid of

My very best friend got engaged/married when my husband at the time had been out of work for over a year. Over lunch one day she asked me to be maid of honor in her wedding. As much as it pained me, knowing the dresses she wanted and knowing that the bachelorette party was going to be a weekend out of town, I had to