
She and her right tit were innocent bystanders.

There will be a lot of comments about the slap/hair pulling, so I will leave that to others. I'll just say that I feel sorry for Cynthia, who was unfortunately between these two and ended up with her breast out on television when the shit storm hit.

That old lady church hat ... Jesus tits.

John is a good, solid name. And it works for at any age, my most persistent problem with "trendy" names. I cannot even imagine a 64 year old man named "Blase" or a 72 year old "Sierra."

There can never be enough Slagathor.

Now playing

HEY!!! Slagathor is from one of my favorite Scrubs episode jokes!! Don't judge. There was a time when it was funny.

There have been some good things on True Blood. Lafayette (of course). Pam (goes without saying). Naked Eric (before he went up in flames). Andy Bellfleur and the introduction of "JESUS TITS!" into my life. But there is no denying that the show is at least 82% hot mess.

Look at this and think about what you just wrote:

Sadly, since we know he slept with her, any hotness he once owned has now been rendered neutral by Sookie and her nonsense.

Do yourself a favor and NEVER read the books. While they started just fine, the author clearly lost interest around the eighth or ninth book and the whole series ended on a ridiculous note.

Excuse you. Bill says it like this: "Sookheee." The whiny rant part was dead on though.


Doubt he secretly married her. British men always call their girlfriends their missus regardless of marital status. It's a thing. Also I married him at least two years ago so it is impossible that he could have married someone else

... and that ain't a compliment. Yikes.

I don't see the Park Avenue young wife and mother getting involved with a cult or weird religious movement. If it isn't a consciousness raising group, I would go with some kind of therapy (And I know absolutely ZILCH about therapy practices in the late 60s). If it was juuuuuust a bit farther along I would go est all

I don't think she really was forgiving him though. Seemed more like a neutering to me. Roger certainly didn't look like the forgiving was a good thing and I think that was her whole point.

I'm not sure of the ins and outs, but I believe that it was about women meeting in small groups to discuss ways in which they felt they had been oppressed in life. I am sure that Margaret would feel that Roger's actions were an "oppression." One of the most powerful things that anyone can do is forgive another

*SNIFF!* I think our little Margaret is growing up into our first official Mad Men feminist!!!

Conscious raising group. The whole "I forgive you" thing was just a way to take back her power in the relationship. I will bet on it.