
I think I'm most troubled by the number of peach and seafoam dresses.

Should I be embarassed that I love it as well? I am constantly quoting it. Loud and proud, baby. Loud and proud.

Oh is THIS how we're classifying these types??? I know, and have been feeling annoyed with several women like this. The type that posts endless Rumi quotes on facebook and every "amber alert" there is with "praying for you!" even if the alert is a hoax. That have pinterest wedding boards full of brides wearing

I don't but not by choice. My EX was an uptight puritan when it came to sex in any form and any sexy talk embarrassed him.

LOVE that little white one!! I would absolutely wear that out to dinner in the summer now :)




I just informed my Facebook friend list that if I see any complaints like this in my feed, the offender will immediately be deleted. Sometimes assholes like this slip unseen into your life. You just need to RIP THEM OUT like a weed when they out themselves.


If Christina Hendricks propositioned me, I would absolutely go gay. I have a passion for this woman that is equaled only by Tom Hardy.

I had no idea that my (every) weekend plans were Saturn Girl Protocol. The more you know!

I am not so naive to believe that restaurants don't have mice/roaches occasionally, if not all the time. As you say, food and warmth are big draws. However I feel that the establishment should take great pains to not allow me, the consumer, see said beasties. Ignorance is bliss in regards to this topic.

Indeed it is. I read somewhere that Cressida is bringing back the scrunchie. Saints preserve us.

I simply CANNOT do the peanut butter version! Actually, I am putting my Central PA Girl cred in jeopardy by admitting this, but peanut butter anything is a real GAK for me. Especially peanut butter icing. As almost everyone in this area serves cake with peanut butter icing for desserts, hating it has been my saving

My MOST favorite are the Chocolate Kandy Kakes - which are difficult to find. Thank ever-living Baby Jesus that I can only find them in stock rarely. I would be as big as a house otherwise:

I'm sorry - are you me? My grandmother fed me Tastykakes for breakfast every morning I was there. Obviously before childhood obesity was a national problem :D