Those buttons are disgusting. You could never get a paper-free candy so you ended up with tiny wads of paper in your mouth. And the candy was freaking awful tasting.
Those buttons are disgusting. You could never get a paper-free candy so you ended up with tiny wads of paper in your mouth. And the candy was freaking awful tasting.
A-fucking-men. Funyuns are not an everyday treat, but every so often it is delightful to rip into a bag.
The most wonderful thing about Planter's Cheez Balls was that the container gave you the PERFECT amount of Cheez Balls!!! And they were delicious.
I'm not entirely sure, so I probably shouldn't let them sit on my furniture any longer to be safe.
The weirdest part is that they are convinced that everyone is doing it (which should be a red flag of grossness)
People are the grossest things ever. And here I am feeling guilty if I leave items hung up in the fitting room because there isn't a return rack.
Eyes went right over it
Unless ... it wasn't touching just the outside of her drawers. What if she took off her underwear?????
You know ... I never considered that.
Just the thought of such things gives me the major shivers.
This has always been my precise argument. Like, do you think dressing room folks do a swipe with a moist towlette before returning those to the racks?!?!
SHOCKINGLY, YES. And cite the sanitary strip as the fail safe!!!
And THIS is why, even though there is a "sanitary strip" in bathing suits, I will never take off my underwear to try on a bathing suit though I have been mocked soundly over it.
There is literally NOTHING WORSE as a woman than the dreaded hot date/period intersection. It has brought me to tears.
Nope, not really. He seemed very confident but not like such a douche.
I wish I could tell you that that is a baseless fear but unfortunately the crazies sneak through.
I absolutely understand where you're coming from. When I decided to go on OKC, it was after my engagement ended. I took 6 months to figure out what I wanted before I went on. I also wrote a very honest profile because I wanted men to get a sense of me before they messaged me. The number of men that actually seem to…
Yes! Yes!! That is it exactly!!! It exhausts me.
Oh no, no! That is definitely scary.
Oh dear. I'm more disturbed now.
The "hi there" messages make me feel like they like my picture but feel that it is bothersome to read a profit. Therefore it is up to me to start the conversation. Nope. If I wanted that I would have contacted you.