
And THIS is why, even though there is a "sanitary strip" in bathing suits, I will never take off my underwear to try on a bathing suit though I have been mocked soundly over it.

There is literally NOTHING WORSE as a woman than the dreaded hot date/period intersection. It has brought me to tears.

Nope, not really. He seemed very confident but not like such a douche.

I wish I could tell you that that is a baseless fear but unfortunately the crazies sneak through.

I absolutely understand where you're coming from. When I decided to go on OKC, it was after my engagement ended. I took 6 months to figure out what I wanted before I went on. I also wrote a very honest profile because I wanted men to get a sense of me before they messaged me. The number of men that actually seem to

Yes! Yes!! That is it exactly!!! It exhausts me.

Oh no, no! That is definitely scary.

Oh dear. I'm more disturbed now.

The "hi there" messages make me feel like they like my picture but feel that it is bothersome to read a profit. Therefore it is up to me to start the conversation. Nope. If I wanted that I would have contacted you.

If only I had had a camera ...

Oh I'm sure they do want to sleep with me, but it isn't really flattering since I would think that there are probably dozens of women they want to sleep with.

Weirdly I never felt scared, mostly because seeing a man in a cock ring shuffling towards you with his shorts around his ankle is pretty funny.


Certainly I expected some filthy messages but I didn't expect SO MANY. I probably get 40-50 a week. If I was a total sexpot I could umderstand but I really am not. All I can figure is that perhaps they think I'm desparate???

I KNOW! Why has such a prize not been snatched right up?!? Sadly that is a mild one lol

Oddly, that is pretty much what my face looks like when reading my messages every morning :)

I know this sounds painfully naive, but I'm depressed by the sheer number of messages I get that are just overtly sexual from the jump. Are there no men on there that want to date???

I think I'll pass. Since I currently have an okcupid profile watching this would just make me more depressed than I already am on the subject of online-dating-men.

Pretty much any bio of Grace talks about all her Hollywood lovers. The man with the wife was Ray Milland, yeah?

The irony of this conversation is that much as I adore Grace Kelly, she actually wasn't that great of an actress. She wasn't horrible, but terribly limited. But she did have that marvelously gorgeous exterior.

ANYWAY! My point is that we are talking about GOOD actresses having to portray a merely so-so one and that

I adore Grace Kelly but you could not pay me to see this. I am fairly secure in the knowledge that at NO TIME during this movie will I be able to forget that I am watching Nicole Kidman attempt to act like Grace Kelly. She looks and sounds nothing like her. No. Just no.