
That, my friend, is the manly Oliver Reed.

Karl Urban. Be still my loins.

Taking away Levine's personality, he is indeed pleasant to look at but the title of Sexiest Man Alive belongs to my spiritual husband ....

For your consideration

WHO IS IN THIS PICTURE?? It won't load on my computer and since I recognize your name as the commentor who put up pictures of Pep in that Frat Bro Fashion story, I figure there is a better than average chance that this might be a hot footballer ...

I have not been this excited for a Lifetime movie since I found a site that allowed me to watch "Mother, May I Sleep With Danger?"

Well yes to the distant cousins thing, but that doesn't really apply here. The parents were half brother and sister (though they THOUGHT they were uncle and niece) and Cathy and Chris are full-on brother and sister.


Everything. Keep an eye out for EVERYTHING.

IKEA is insane in regards to the number of things you discover there that you never, ever imagined you needed.


Oh Pep, Pep .. You've been on my I'd-Hit-That-List for years ....

What the hell is wrong with all of you Pennsylvanians?? Our state food rep should have been the goddamn whoopie pie!! Jesus Christ people! THINK!!!

Count me as a Black Friday shopper as well. Though both my mother and I usually have our Christmas shopping about 90% done by Thanksgiving, the Black Friday shopping is just spending a day together, searching for deals, laughing at the lunacy some people engage in and buying crap for ourselves. It has become a nice

Like hell I'd give up morning sex or sex for a year just to keep drinking coffee. Coffee would be gone in a nanosecond.

Huh. And here I was thinking that I wanted to eat them because they look like a human cream puff ...

HA! My best friend thought she was being very original when naming her daughters. Their names? Isabella and Sophia :)

I'm not even going to lie: For me it comes down to cold, hard cash.

I had to make some harsh decisions a few years ago with what was *necessary* in life (rent, food, electric, a (crappy) car) and what was a *want* (cable, gym, expensive cell plan). After years of getting dicked around by AT&T, I decided to go with a

(Cue Montgomery Burns hand rub) Ehhhhhhhhhhhxcellent.

I would love to extract my few blackheads but I have no idea how to go about doing it. Any tips out there??