
What the hell is wrong with all of you Pennsylvanians?? Our state food rep should have been the goddamn whoopie pie!! Jesus Christ people! THINK!!!

Count me as a Black Friday shopper as well. Though both my mother and I usually have our Christmas shopping about 90% done by Thanksgiving, the Black Friday shopping is just spending a day together, searching for deals, laughing at the lunacy some people engage in and buying crap for ourselves. It has become a nice

Like hell I'd give up morning sex or sex for a year just to keep drinking coffee. Coffee would be gone in a nanosecond.

Huh. And here I was thinking that I wanted to eat them because they look like a human cream puff ...

HA! My best friend thought she was being very original when naming her daughters. Their names? Isabella and Sophia :)

I'm not even going to lie: For me it comes down to cold, hard cash.

I had to make some harsh decisions a few years ago with what was *necessary* in life (rent, food, electric, a (crappy) car) and what was a *want* (cable, gym, expensive cell plan). After years of getting dicked around by AT&T, I decided to go with a

(Cue Montgomery Burns hand rub) Ehhhhhhhhhhhxcellent.

I would love to extract my few blackheads but I have no idea how to go about doing it. Any tips out there??

This is literally (and I do mean literally) the greatest thing that has come into my life in at least a month. I am so happy right now.

I assumed it was True Blood again when they mentioned "Hot Vampire." And the lady in question had long, lovely red hair like Jessica and the guy had a Jason Stackhouse-y quality in the final shot.

I feel ya. I watch these and wonder why my life is so terribly dull compared to the lives of others. And why do I not take more trips.

I have avoided reading this book because, while I have no problem with the subject matter, I DO have an issue with wasting my time reading shitty books.

I am more angry than I can express that I now have to go see this (sure to be) shitty movie because there is a chance that I may see Charlie Hunnam naked. Fuck.

Damn. Scarlett does Jersey girl excellently. I am looking forward to seeing this.

As a person who only really retains information when I write it down, this system looks BRILLIANT! I will be going out directly to purchase a new Moleskin notebook (any excuse to do that is great for me ...)

THANK YOU! I dated a Brit for a year and ADORED his foreskin. There was so much more that could be done with an uncircumcised penis. I never worried about the cleanliness issue because that is just ridiculous. Men who shower tend to clean all their equipment regardless of whether or not there is a little extra

Good lord I had the exact same reaction. I actually got panicky.

Now I love Ian more than Pepperidge Farm Double Chocolate Milanos, but if he even allows the IDEA of Fassbender to flit through his adorably rumpled head again I will be forced to cut a bitch.

You have been warned.


No Wheelers? No rows and rows of disembodied heads? Perhaps I could click ...