Since I proposed to all my single male friends on Leap Day, I thought it would disrespecful to my 4 fiances if I proposed to anyone on National Proposal Day.
Since I proposed to all my single male friends on Leap Day, I thought it would disrespecful to my 4 fiances if I proposed to anyone on National Proposal Day.
You can go back as many years as you want, so confess away!
SQUEEEEEEEEEE! He is right down the road from me!! I was going to go possum-nap him this weekend!!!
Best piece of advice I ever got was from my father the day after I graduated from college. He told me that everyone has to work, that's the way that life is. Very lucky people love their jobs but most people just tolerate their work and make sure that their life outside of work is everything they want it to be.
I'd love to know what schools women who had a decent same sex college experience, because I am a graduate of an all women college and it was pretty frickin' miserable.
The first one that popped up for me ...
Crevice. Nothing good ever came out of a crevice.
WONDERFUL!!! Bitty was my first thought as well!!! :D :D :D
Since I have an incredibly high threshold for personal embarrassment I have never had an issue in sex shops. In fact the only person on earth who can cause me to get embarrassed is my mother, so of course this story focuses on her.
He is my second favorite. First will always be Henri ...
I live in a VERY small city and we have one small independent theater that gets all the foreign and arty movies. I might have to wait a few weeks longer to see something, but they always eventually get it. AND the cost is $6 matinee, $7.50 evening. Booyah.
Oh wow ... Virginia Slims. They used to put out a Virgina Slims Book of Days every year with a different ad each week and I LOVED to get that and imagine that when I grew up I would be fabulously glamorous like the Virginia Slims women and wear beautiful clothes. Sadly, my dream has never been realized.
Wait ... it can't be based on Amy and still be called "elegant." A lamp based on Amy should be staggering around barefoot, forgeting lyrics and having breakdowns on stage.
Kill Craig, fuck Damon, marry Clooney because I think Clooney might possibly be the coolest man in the world. He just seems like he would be a joy to be around for the long haul.
I know I did. I said that the bracket was ridiculous since the worst Christmas songs always would come down to these two offerings, and that it was a question of which you found more offensive: redneck, novelty song or overly religious, manipulative dreck. But I am POSITIVE that I am not the only person who foresaw…
I absolutely adore Emma Stone, but I refuse to see this movie now since they made that adorable redhead a BLONDE. And yes, yes I realize Gwen Stacey has blonde hair - DETAILS.
You are, in fact, right. And it only took me approximately 36 years to figure that one out myself.
Ridiculous. You don't need a whole bracket system for this. It is simply "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer" vs. "Christmas Shoes" and then it is just a matter of which you can't stand more: a retarded, redneck novelty tune or overwrought, twangy, offensive religious dreck. For me it is "Christmas Shoes" every…
You speak to me. I already have an extensive badger-phernalia collection. May I recommend for items?
I might make the exact same noises when eating corn on the cob.