God damn I love Bea Arthur. That woman was a national fucking treasure.
God damn I love Bea Arthur. That woman was a national fucking treasure.
What the hell ... Did I miss something?? Michael Ballack isn't gay. Nor did he play in the last World Cup. NOR IS HE EVEN ON THE SQUAD ANY LONGER.
Hearted for that.
I would be delightfully happy is all of these shits were charged with something, but I think I read that that law is not in PA (a complete travesty if that info is correct).
The folks supporting Paterno are correct - this man is not the one responsible for molesting children. That lays at Sandusky's doorstep alone. But, sorry, Paterno is culpable to some extent. I did read the full Grand Jury report. He was told that there had been inappropriate behavior between Sandusky and a small…
Just last month, I had my annual review after a very tough year. Right before I went in I realized that SURPRISE! I got my period a week early and had bled through my pants. That made the whole procedure soooooo comfortable.
Please please please ... put the Jennifer lesbian story back in. Please. But you may leave in Neely's "Boobies, boobies, boobies!" line. Thank you.
Those crazy-ass Germans! Since when is "crap" a genital?
But nothing beats the sweet, sweet odor of chapstick for me. Heavenly!
Carmex? Is no one still using the O.G. black tube Chapstick? I own approximately 20 tubes, and they can be found in all my coat pockets, purses, my desk drawer and a few extras in my bathroom. In case someone has a C.S. emergency.
I should not have watched this. Live .. ever. I know where you can buy hedgehogs cheap and this makes me want to race to a car and start driving.
Good God Almighty, I love me some football men ....
I consider L&O to be the mashed potatoes of TV: comforting and I don't have to think about it too much. I enjoy the show quite a bit. Until Ohrbach left. Then I gave up on it.
I would consider not having The Help/Nicholas Sparks Brigade recommend this a good thing. I hated The Help and find Sparks' books cheese in the extreme. As it is, I loved this book and told lots of friends about it, most of whom read it and liked it as well.
OMG .. is he really like this in person???
Or for even more whipersnappers - the crazy director guy from Boomerang.
Ahhh ... but see now I looked Cloud Atlas up on Amazon and would be PREPARED for the changes. I was unspoiled for Study in Scarlet :D
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with this person? If the amount of time and energy she puts into being "edgy" and "artistic" could be harnessed we could probably tackle that cold fusion problem.
Good lord ... I want to call up all my SAHM friends right now and urge them to protect themselves somehow, someway.
The number of truly shitty people having kids is just heartbreaking, isn't it? And I commend you and any other currently pregnant people: If I was pregnant I would be crying and freaking out from the moment I saw the positive sign on the stick. And the private part issue? All I will say is just make sure they don't…