Holly Gofightly

He will mention the Electoral College on his deathbed (the bed that deaths). 

Thank goodness Keith Urban has two daughters, and not two sons, or goodness knows what kind of misogynist monster he might have turned out to be.

That photo looks like the cover from first issue of “Obvious Rapists” quarterly.

Because a solid 80 percent of the people on here are naysaying assholes.

Why is everyone roasting the AV Club for this? It is the right thing to do and even if they are not the Times or The Post, it still matters.

You mean by being female and qualified?

Cate Blanchett’s best role is her cameo in Hot Fuzz - discuss.

What? You don’t like critique coming from a foregone conclusion and then filtered through annoying irony? Are you some kind of deviant?

This is probably the first time I find myself hoping that a show changes reviewers between seasons (presuming this gets a second). I don’t really enjoy reading extended analysis of non-diegetic music choices that resembles analysis of inconsistent engine specifications on the starship Enterprise. The way it’s deployed

I was happy that Debbie and Holden broke up. This is a workplace drama. That’s the interesting stuff. We don’t need to follow people home.

These reviews are terrible.

So when I saw this episode, I was convinced by the end that Holden has encephalitis, several years ahead of the real John Douglas (but on about the same seasonal timetable as Will Graham on Hannibal). Now I’m less sure. Thoughts?

I met David Cross at a house party in either the late 90s or early 2000s, and he was a bit of an Asshole, but I had the same first thought as you. Also, me pestering him to say “Chicken Pot, Chicken Pot, Chicken Pot Pie” probably didn’t help.

Emma Stone, is that you?

I will give Quentin the benefit of the doubt. He lives so far up his own ass that he would be just as stunned to learn that Samuel L Jackson was black.

Let’s not rush to judgement here - he just needs a few more days to process his pain (of likely knowing that his friend of 25 years was a serial abuser, but said nothing, making him complicit in a systemic cycle of abuse), emotions (related to likely knowing that his friend of 25 years was a serial abuser, but

If you turn up to a Halloween party dressed as a giant tea kettle, and your friends don’t instantly realize that you’re dressed as the ghostly form of David Bowie, then they’re really not friends worth having.

This is a serious issue. If they were shooting on location rahter then stage, then the G&E crew needs to wrap all the gear. Production needs to be around because they are management with the PAs at the bottom of the totem pole being the first on set and the last to leave. Also Art department usually have their load

Eh, I’d say MCU Luke Cage could take him down if he goes too far.