Holly Gofightly

...Man, I think I’m going to keep coming back to this piece all day, thinking about it more. Upon reflection, this bit is really sticking with me:

Now playing

This is amazing — thoroughly researched, relentlessly argued and really compellingly written. Thank you for making my morning with it!

Parks & Rec. I’d catch portions of the marathons they played on weekends on some channel, and never really got it. I have no idea why it eventually clicked and I started liking it.

Not ashamed to say I’ve watched that ending sequence at least 50 times.

There are settings (somewhere) to disable auto-play, but there are shows where auto-play is helpful, so I think creating a system where episodes where end credits contain some type of musical sting/continuity don’t auto-play as quickly is the clear answer, at least for Netflix Originals where they’re logging the

Context: Imagine a guy having the attitude of a coked-out 27 year old rockstar level asshole to his fans/readers, but he’s a movie blogger, and he’s been that way since ~2000, and he kept being that way into his forties. Imagine a guy who started his career as a dudebro being totally fine with making

Brock Landers, as played by Dirk Diggler, remains the greatest Brock.

Yes, I am sure. I’m gonna die on a hill eventually, and this is a very on-brand hill to die on.

Man, you hear so many snowcloned jokes about somebody having their picture in the dictionary next to something shitty, but you so rarely see it actually play out. You get to be that guy, Turner!

Gonna go out on a limb and say I think his biggest mistake was committing sexual assault.

Criminally overlooked: Legion...it’s a damn crime it wasn’t nominated for something!

Personally, I don’t know how The Americans doesn’t win in every category every year.

May Richard Harrow live on forever in Murderer Heaven

Pretty sure the review is correct. They showed the same chicken running across the frame as the car pulled into Angelville. No way to be absolutely sure, but there’s really no other reason for Jesse to be bringing her body there, and no reason to have included the chicken stuff in the intro if not to suggest this as a

his performance on that show was criminally overlooked. the episode where he almost killed himself in the woods stands out in my mind as one of his best scenes

This guy was great in Boardwalk. That season 3 finale was awesome.

Personally, I will always use Kim being attacked by a cougar on 24 as the gold standard of dead air on a show.

I think the problem is with Jared Leto method acting, as the results it produces are shit.

Charlie Cox blew his Han Solo audition because he was so used to acting like he’s blind. He didn’t make eye contact during his audition.

I dunno. Charlie Cox seems to do a fine job if it just staring off into the middle distance. Maybe Leto could learn a little something from his just-not-looking-in-peoples-faces school of blind acting?