Holly Gofightly

Yeah, no, Jenny Slate’s pronunciation is fine.

See, I was confused by the preemptive backlash, because it seemed pretty clear from the synopsis that the “point” (such as it is) of the movie would be that Schumer’s character is a perfectly good looking woman, who’s spent her life being told that the only way to be worthy of affection is do meet some absurd,

I believe you mean Angelo or Jello Shot, aka J-Shot.

They sell the same stuff as a stadium and they assume/hope/want people will be tidy? I’m always good about cleaning up my stuff, but you put me in the dark in a crowd with spillable items well... It occurs.

Has any movie theater chain ever tried to sell snacks at normal gas station prices? I mean, if the theater charged the same $1.69 for the bag of M&Ms that the gas station charged, people wouldn’t feel the need to stop first and fill up their pockets with food, would they?

The Grey Album was pretty good.

A lot of people are attributing this to Trump-era political focus, but I think another important factor is that Fallon is a hack comedian and sycophantic interviewer, whereas Colbert is actually good at his job. That might also be part of it.

The real story here is that you have to pay $39 to file a restraining order. That seems like a pretty good way to exclude poor folk from some fairly fundamental protections...

We’ve decided to form a union here at Onion Inc., home of The A.V. Club and our sister sites The Onion and ClickHole.

I think I may be reading too much into it, or it could be just a coincidence. At any rate, It occurred to me that Elizabeth’s chain-smoking habit may be a little bit of symbolic foreshadowing. I was a teenager (about Paige’s age) and a smoker at the time this show is now taking place. And this is the time period when

I actually called their customer support to ask about this since I noticed that at my parents house, this doesn’t happen. They claimed there’s no way to turn it off and took down my suggestion for an “enhancement” to get rid of the crap feature they added.

Somewhere along the way the show became less about the trans people, and more about the kids dealing with their Jewish heritage (or something). Just really bizarre. And meanwhile they completely dropped the ball on Trace Lysette’s character. As I was watching her story arc, I kept thinking, “THIS is who the show

Good. Hopefully that will be enough time for the showrunners to realize that the Pfeffermans are awful, and that the show should be about, oh I don’t know, trans people.

Agreed. They were using it as a temporary track during editing, and Sidney Lumet finally decided it could just be the song that Sonny and the guys are listening to on the radio when they pull up to the bank.

And a brief shout-out to one of the best opening tracks, Elton John’s “Amoreena”.

Now playing

Still not as convincing as his performance as Barack Obama:

The ingredients in that 9 lb burrito? A Welsh rarebit, with a poached egg on top — not too runny — bacon, scones… butter… cream… jam — not strawberry.