Holly Gofightly

Absolutely cannot take your side on the drive thru bit. I can not count how many times my order has not only been wrong, but DRASTICALLY wrong, ordering to go, both at the drive through and from the counter. I don’t even mean extra/lack of sauce. Items prepared entirely wrong on special orders. Whole menu items,

I have a enough friends who’ve said that drinking something tart or drinking a spoonful of vinegar with every meal has given them a weight loss boost, and I almost wonder if it doesn’t have some sort of other benefit: maybe adding to discipline, maybe changing the oral flora, maybe just making sure you’re properly

Unfortunately for us one full episode will be devoted to Billy doing bicep curls while smoking and listening to Ratt’s “Out of the Cellar”.

The Ramones could barely play and their music is better than all the jazz ever created.

It’s really nice to hear how inspired they were for the project. So many of these soundtracks are a totally phoned in cash grab. Even for the albums where the aesthetic may not be my thing, you can tell when people are thoughtful about the content and creating a sonic landscape that makes sense for the project.

To explain the mentalities you described, I have to refer to a subset of fandom that, over the years I’ve started to term ‘purists’ or ‘canon purists’ to be clearer. In this context ‘canon’ refers to the original body of work, as presented by its creator.

Except shipping as a fandom term dates back to the 90s, meaning the vast majority of OG shippers are at least in their 30s if not older now. As a concept of making fan works that pair characters, esp. same sex characters, it goes back to the 70s so...

I’m very surprised at how many comments (view pending) are anti-fanfiction, anti-shipping, or anti exploring sexuality. Sure there’s a lot of novice level work out there done by newbies, and not all ideas fans come up with have good legs, but when someone comes along and finds a compelling idea and executes it well I

I know we’re all focussed on Joestachio and his crystals but can we take a moment to appreciate his description of why he doesn’t play basketball?

I’d be in agreement with you a lot of the time—certainly you could say that the main Harry Potter series would be fine without the romances. But in this case one of the central story conflicts is that Dumbledore loves Grindelwald, the man, while opposing his actions. I don’t really think you can “take the romance out”

...states that lobsters now must be “stunned” before they are killed.

Aren’t sexually explicit versions of existing things one of the cornerstones of the porn industry?

You hit the nail right on the head, Netflix is so focused on giving users ability to skip everything but they don’t give the people who want to see everything the option to watch uninterrupted. There is no reason why there aren’t options on the site or app itself to turn off the ‘Skip Recap” and “Skip Intro” buttons

This show has had some of the best written standup scenes I’ve ever watched outside of actual standup. I mean, the routines here just killed.

Personally, I think Joel’s arc is over. He doesn’t deserve Midge, and he’s a hack who steals other people’s comedy. He deserves to slink off into the night. Midge should never get back with him, and the series should move on and be about her rise.

So glad I started this last night. Got three episodes in in the first sitting.

Because there aren’t a lot of single women my age, and the ones there are are usually looking for husband #3 now that the kids have left the house.

I’m in that bracket of: I go to a bar and everyone is younger than I am. Plus I play in bands, so I am always around younger people.

...I mean, i guess it’d be great to be

Eleven ended up developing her powers in the time with Kali. She needed to be stronger to be able to justify being able to close the giant ass gate, which I thought was pretty clear with the montage leading to her pulling the train.

Also, I think this episode could have been really interesting if you’d cut it down to

Because now we know there are more powered people than just El in the world and that as the threats from the Upside Down get larger in future season these folks will be around to help combat them. We all love Steve Harrington and his nail bat but you need more firepower against giant monsters than that. It also shows

The Duffers have said they wanted to experiment with a different kind of film/vibe, which I think is a huge part of it. But also, the core idea isn’t actually bad - Eleven’s life has been deeply traumatic in ways that are different from the other characters, and it makes sense that she would need to both investigate