Holly Gofightly

I’ll never forget the time I went to see Guardians of the Galaxy on opening night and the dude next to me spent the entire movie pulling various tupperwares out of his backpack. The last straw was the one filled entirely with fish. Just fish! Homeboy literally ate a bunch of fish in a packed movie theatre and never

I just want to know if anybody has actually singed up for their current ill-conceived “4 movies/month plus iHeartRadio for some reason” deal.

There’s a lot of films I’d call life-changing, but this is one of the highest on my list. Saw it as a teenager and it completely shifted my worldview. I’ll never forget the pervasive chill and the malaise that lingered with me for weeks after my first viewing. Absolute perfection and I’m always shocked not to hear

Gittel was one of the most arresting characters I’ve ever come across. Why can’t we have a whole season of her story?

I would give anything for a Shea-centric season.

Yessssss that’s the song that introduced me to my fav Elton John album, Tumbleweed connection. Blew my mind when it switched from non-diegetic to diegetic when the camera gets to the car. That whole film is such a goddamn gift.

Still one of my all-time favorite films. First time I saw it (on VHS! from the library!), I finished it and then immediately rewound it and watched it again. I love that the phone call scene we see is the second one they shot, at the end of a very long day: after Pacino had given his absolute all on the first take and

I did sooooooooo much theatre as a kid for someone who can’t stand theatre kids. Blame my musical theatre-loving father, but I did every school play in some capacity from 11 to 18. Most memorable is a toss up between playing Adelaide in Guys & Dolls despite having no discernible dancing abilities (they had to dumb

Wait so Dirty Dancing and Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights are only there for a month? What a cruel thing to do to the innocent Dirty Dancing fandom.

Hot take: fake maple syrup >>>>>>>>> real maple syrup

My roommate (coincidentally a former grocery store clerk from Iowa) is incredible at bagging groceries. I’m so spoiled that I dread going grocery shopping without him. Weight distribution is key, as is bagging like items (cold with cold, don’t mix food and cleaning products, etc.) Truly and under-appreciated art form.

I went to the actual cafe from BLL when I was in Monterey last year and it is a fraction of the size of what’s in the show. Not surprised at all that this is how they did it, but odd that they went to the trouble of painstakingly recreating the real facade only to completely mess with the dimensions of the place

I’m glad you got Paprika in there, and I would’ve wholeheartedly recommended it if you hadn’t. Perfect Blue is also fantastic. I was an anime fan as a kid, as most Asian kids are, but I completely agree about the off-putting fandom. If you can find it, check out Blue Submarine No. 6—stunning animation (and interesting

Joel is easily the worst thing about the series. I just hope there’s way more standup next season—when she’s on, she’s ON and it’s a goddamn thrill to watch.

No judgement, just genuine curiosity: why do you tend to date young?

You’re not wrong, and also nice Death Bed: The Bed That Eats reference!

So excited to see “The Food” on here as it’s one of the first that popped into my mind when I pulled up this article. Had no idea that they used the audio from this for Be, I just assumed that they were lipsynching to the studio version. I miss old Kanye, before he became the actual worst.

I’ve been a David Cross fan for over a decade, and my first thought when reading Yi’s account was, “Cocaine’s a helluva drug.”

This subject always makes me think of my initial reaction to Spoon. I was working in a record store when Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga came out and absolutely hated it, which was made all the worse by how often my coworkers put it on. A few years later, I had a random urge to listen to a song off of it and ended up listening to the

You touched on this, but what I’d really like to see is an option to NOT skip credits (beginning and end) since I actually enjoy watching both. Not only do they give actual credit to those who made the show possible, they often have great songs/graphics and keep you in the world of the show a while longer. Case in