
The sad thing is that they’re doing to the accusation of anti-Semitism what extreme American leftists are going to the accusation of racism: Blunting it to the point that we ignore the boy’s cries when the wolf really does come out of the woods.

If you are, I apologize. But I hope you can see where I would think otherwise.

There’s nothing the mechanic can do that a robot can’t.

I like how you’re trying to be sarcastic, but are probably crying behind your computer(why in the fuck did we ever make computers affordable for beast-people like you?) Because you really DID get fired from Burger King. God, you’re fucking useless. A shit that is about to be flushed has more of a future than you, and

I’m not the DNC. I’m not trying to win an election. I have no reason not to inform you what useless dogshit you and your family are.

Yes I am. I’ve explained until I’m blue in the face why Dems should be celebrating right now. Quit being so fucking defeatist.

When those same polls have been accurate over and over, you cannot dismiss them based on one election; Occam’s Razor says that the 2016 election was an outlier.

The playing field and game rules are entirely different now. To be blunt: People take him a lot more seriously.

Benjamin Franklin was in his eighties when he partook in writing it.

“But what do I know”

This lack of reading comprehension is why you will die with a Burger King uniform on, imbecile.

No. You also heard this growing up: “Boy, go get yer sister. I wanna screw her”

Yeah, we would have been sure of that if he had won. And we’re still sure of it.

Are you white trash? Yes, you are.

Didn’t you attempt—keyword: attempt—to take me to task for allegedly attacking poor people(I was actually attacking a red neck, there’s a difference)?

How would you know? You live in a trailer park, and you’re going to die in one.

Hey—as long as everyone else votes—and they will in 2018, see above for why tonight’s actually a shit indicator for you people—beasts like TrueBull won’t be needed.

Englund. Hahaha. Dogshit is smarter and better than you, you worthless white trash. You should have been put down at birth. People like you exist because people like me get hungry and want cheap fast food every now and then.

Hahahahahahaha Your family should have been in Manchester that night.

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