
It’s not, no. But the story was already written before this: It shouldn’t have even been close. The SC race just reinforces this.

Thank you for this. We should be celebrating, not moping.

You are not a fucking majority. Get that in your head.

Don’t mind me, just peeling onions here.

That’s your entire monthly check from McDonald’s. Are you sure?

That’s your entire monthly check from McDonald’s. Are you sure?

When two differing opinions on a standard are given, you go with the opinion of the person who has expertise or experience. Not all opinions are equally. Some people are better educated than others. Some are better informed than others. Some are just SMARTER than others.

Oh yes, because they’re SUCH a successful culture.

Some human beings are worth less than shit and do not benefit the world.

Actually? Yeah, I kinda do.

We are omnivores who benefit from eating meat.

Wazimu does not work at Burger King. You do. Do not try to judge him.

I do not presume to tell these cultures what to do, but he knew the fucking risks.

Or it’s an efficient way to tell the truth about someone.

“Waahhhh! I can do and say whatever I want!! Mommy and Daddy said so!!”

Anyone who makes this argument is dumb, and knows they’re dumb.

You can always tell the “We can do WHATEVER WE WANT!!!” people, the ones who were raised by Mommy and Daddy with no respec for boundaries.

Okay then. Don’t bitch about Islamic terrorists then, because that’s “their culture”.

That’s the thing. It’s an Internet message board. People lie on it to sound better all the time. It takes no effort or time to do so at all.

No, I don’t need his opinion. In fact, it’s the opposite: I pointed out that his opinion is worth less than dogshit, and didn’t think about it again until you brought it up.

Oh, God! When I suggested that an elite run things, I REALLY did not mean incompetent fucks who happen to be white and male. Actually, that’s kind of what I was complaining about to begin with. Jesus Christ, Eric Trump can’t fucking find his own ass with two hands and a GPS.