
Here is the way I look at it. The Republican candidate last year won the election by a 23% margin. Those are the types of margins you expect for a Democrat running for Statewide office in California. The margin of this vote is probably well under 5%, which made it a very competitive race.

Not that I disagree with your assessment, but can we just take a moment to acknowledge the fact that all those things not being dealbreakers to the GOP base is horrifying? I feel like we’re all getting numb to that sort of thing.

Handel is a terrible person, but this district is still strongly Republican. The cynic in me always expected this, because it’s much easier to get out your base than it is to activate new voters and pull from the other camp. Ossof did well, he really did pull a decent number of conservative leaning independents and

“It’s a different culture, you don’t understand what it means to us.”

+Washington Redskins fans+

I can only assume you’re talking about the bull, and not the idiot who decided to fuck with the bull in an enclosed space.

Mess with the bull, you get the horns, and so on.

Yeah, the guy who tortured animals to death for entertainment was a great fuckin’ dude, and we should definitely feel bad that one of those animals turned the tables on him.

I think you have to defend on a thing on its own merits. Invoking cultural relativism means you also have to accept things like genital mutilation, sharia law, etc.

Ah the replies to you are cracking me up. Basically the same arguments used by useless trash people throughout history. “It’s a different culture, you don’t understand what it means to us.”

Which makes it all the more pathetic when an athlete or entertainer does it.

I just saw your comment after I posted mine and I agree. I’m in my 20s but never watched his show and don’t have this lovable image of him as America’s dad. If we were talking mister rogers it would be a different story!!

Theme of the last two days: juries are dumb AF

Sabin would have suplexed it.

Mystery solved

This would be a 5 star comment if it was written in the Toyko Dome.

Not faulting him. I hope he stays healthy, plays well, and lives a long life freee of brain fog.

It doesn’t need to be removed, just properly enforced. Want a gun? Get in the militia son. Get the training, have the responsibility. “But I’m totally perfect and not a fuck up!” Great, but you aren’t the problem are you? You know who the problems are.

Now there’s a laugh, “responsible gun owner”. That’s an oxymoron on par with “military intelligence” and “good christian”.

So your dad hated the International Brotherhood of Teamsters because it fought for higher wages for truck drivers and was trying to stop him from being a low wage scab driver?