
Look at your grammar. Look at your frequently uncapitalized and misspelled words. Look at your childlike logic. Why the fuck should I or anyone else think that you work anything but minimum wage?

But why? You work at Wal-Mart.

“Same trailer, different park: The story of the Kinja poster Marchman vs. Cruz”

Glad to hear she’s all right.

I like how you completely dodged his point.

Does the same voice in your head say: “Do nothing about weekly gun massacres because of a two century old statement on superfluous militias written by people with no understanding of modern technology?”

You seem to be tax-obsessed, based on your posts.

“We have a written constitution”

Cost to put a child through Eton: 241, 038 pounds sterling, or roughly 390,000 US dollars.

Oh, my sweet summer child.

A nation that elects Donald Trump loses its right to criticize for at least the next 4 years.

I like how you ignore the two paragraph s of non ad-hominem arguments, then take as a personal attack my pointing out a fundamental flaw in the thinking of people like this—corporate defenders often think they’ll join those rarified ranks one day; I am simply pointing out that it’s never going to happen.

....Fuck, I forgot that.

“Have you ever worked in government?”

By not letting someone like our friend the Fat Thumb get hired in the fucking first place? That way, passengers aren’t hit with strollers and threatened, someone more deserving gets a job, and the attendant can achieve his true calling in life, chewing grass in Nebraska.

It’s not hard to figure out.

.......Just schedule all of your fucking sports in California or the Southwest. You avoid the bad weather AND you avoid the section of the country which has lots of opinions on how to run this shindig, but no actual money to contribute to running it.

I expect to see a lot of defensive posts from Jalopnik assholes. You know, the type that spends 70 percent of their time here talking about their high-powered cars and jobs....yet when challenged to give proof, refuse to do it.

Anyone of those people, I’d give 10 to 1 odds that they’re a Republican. It’s the same “living in the past” mentality.

I was going to rib you for “obviously being a youngin”, but if you have actual memories of the early 90's, then that means you’re around my age, which means that your dad is probably around my dad’s age.