
1. You need to take into account increased economies of scale since 1980.

....And here is someone who swallowed the propaganda.

I said it in the thread for the United incident, and I’ll say it here: This is why they pay for anti-government propaganda. We buy it, we demand that government get dismantled, it gets done, voila: When they pull shit like this, we have no one to run to.

What a shock: He’s a fat fucking thumb.

Good point. I’m just on guard for anecdotal evidence. There’s a lot of liars on here.

No offense, but why should I believe any of this?

Translation: You WANT to believe him, so you give him the benefit of the doubt.

Goshdarnit, you’re not a real American until you’ve at least thought about fucking your cousin.

Why aren’t the Cubs interested? Seems like they could use him.

It’s cool as hell that you actually provide pics. Funny how some alleged combat vets online absolutely refuse to do that.

And in the meantime, TXJBL screws up some middle-age dude’s burger order for the 10th time that day.

No, the entire point of the article was so that a partied-through-grad-school-while-Daddy-paid-the-bills PhD could childishly jack off to calling us invincible.

It was also their job to figure out scenarios like 9/11 too.

I like how facw is trying to have a dialectic debate on how we can find— and fix—fundamental weaknesses that could endanger our soldiers, pilots and sailors. While you are responding with failed attempts at sarcasm and childish assertions that boil down to “Nuh uh! We’re invincible!”

That’s because the author wasn’t interested in assessing real potential threats to our brave men and women. He was more interested in jacking off to supposed American invincibility.

.......New York teachers make 77,000 a year. 4,000 a month is 52,000 a year.

Someone got their meth taken away by their Taco Bell manager.

Yeah, the voters will be so pissed off because a 40 year old Deadspin writer insulted Pence.

You ain’t hard.

The previous regime preferred negotiation because the regime before that didn’t.