
i dont believe it’s an act, just like i dont believe someone is joking when they fuck up colossally and say “i was just joking.”

he deserves everything negative that happens to him. he’s earned it.

Among those who report having voted for him in November, 96 percent today say it was the right thing to do; a mere 2 percent regret it.

Yeah, it’s the strangest thing. Only 19% of the country voted for him. He lost the popular vote by millions of votes. He has a terrible approval rating and most of the country would like to get rid of him immediately, but there is literally nothing we can do. This system is F’d up. The Electoral College should have

Oh, so in a year then.

I started watching Sports center as a young child in the late eighties when it was just sports and no hidden political agenda.

Pal you are so wrong it’s funny. Conservatives who watch ESPN want to watch sports. That’s it. And we don’t think about businesses catering to us. We don’t think about politics. We concentrate on our jobs, families, and watching our favorite sports. Politics is an annoying side-issue to most conservatives. We just

Cable’s business model shifted from video to internet years ago largely because the programming fees for sports content was getting so ridiculous. Bandwidth is a lot less expensive to buy that cable programming so Comcast/Time Warner doesn’t care if you drop your cable package and upgrade your internet package. They

That garbage isn’t gonna throw itself into the back of the truck!

...and naturally we Americans feel business people should be our political leaders (despite all evidence to the contrary).

The layoffs yesterday were nonsense.

With any luck, he’ll soon forget which team he played for.

Well their line can be traced back in all its bloody glory and stupid rules of ascension...and the reason why we have a government is to stop royals from waging war on France. Instead they (the government) wage it on anywhere America tells them to.

Turns out Prince William brought Kate to the race hoping she’d get wet.

It is bonkers but we get by using 0.01% the tax we don’t spend building new sports stadiums for billionaires.

“In Tennessee, state senator Mae Beavers attempted to pass a bill that would require students in public schools to use the bathroom corresponding with the sex listed on their birth certificate.”

if the NCAA continued boycotting North Carolina, they’d also have to boycott Tennessee and Arkansas for having similar state statutes in place.

I’ve done my share of domestic and international flights—both economy and business—on mostly American and Asian airlines. Domestic airlines in the U.S. have absolutely the worst customer service across the board. Continental and Delta are probably the best among the four (plus United and American), but that’s not

Strokes in Cuba seem powerful. It’s what finally took out Fidel.

To lead, I believe you have to pick a direction.

Yeah, let me get right on that googling of Hannity.