
Agreed. Accepting bigotry as another point of view got us Brexit and Trump.

I think that one problem with the commercial is this: Everyone involved is British. Absolutely nothing wrong with that of course, but the left-right schism in Britain is presently not as intense or as irreconcilable as it is in the US.

And you’re so fucking stupid that you don’t realize that “ironic +1s” still count as +1s.

You defend Alex Jones, whine about how all law courts are bad, and whine in general. Why should I think different of you?

So? You’re a worthless sack of shit. When bad things happen to you, it’s good.

Like you would listen if I did. There’s no point. It’s probably not true, but you won’t listen, and I have better things to do with my time. You are shit, and your family is shit.

I don’t need to. I can go to sleep happy knowing that conspiracy theorists like you will always blog and post from a studio apartment or a trailer park.

Texas is like a meth addict: Loudly and belligerently yelling that they can make their own decisions, when it’s clear that they really aren’t mentally capable.

It isn’t entertaining.

Justice obviously didn’t prevail; I mean....you’re not in jail.

I have a feeling that there’s a reason that you’re divorced and the court took your kids.

Why are you subjecting us to the opinion of someone whose Twitter pic makes it clear that they are worthless white trash? This is why Twitter needs to charge; to keep “people” like this out.

Get back to the fry station. Superior people want their food.

To be fair, it’s not like the target audience knows what sex looks like.

Is there any chance at all that this is going to end in his excruciatingly painful execution?

Just an idea.....maybe someone who doesn’t like football shouldn’t be writing about it? That’s kinda like Phil Muschnick covering Wrestlemania.

This is why I like to insult them.

Your mistake was trying to reason with these people. Animals only understand a newspaper to the nose.

Pendantry: Caesar was NEVER popular with the Roman Senate.

The House is starting to look like it’s in trouble for the GOP, actually.