
I think I’ll take another round of the guy who came between them, myself.

I have to admit, I love the disdain that W clearly has for him.

And that’s why Trump is in the White House.

Yay, I just got called worthless by white trash who thinks it’s cool to misspell psycho. I am in such pain.....

Nope, and I don’t fucking want to either.

Way to make it abundantly clear that I hit a nerve.

“Modder makes 4000 dollars a month”—I see that we’re playing the “break it down into smaller units and more frequent intervals to make it look more impressive” game.

Sorry man, that’s like saying that the New England Patriots are the Foxborough Patriots or the Arizona Cardinals are the Glendale Cardinals. It’s technically true but not “true” true.

EDIT: Weird-ass repeat of my post. Don’t turn into Cracked, Kinja.

Has anyone else noticed that Washington DC sports became(almost) unified and strong right about the time that the main “industry” in the city became evil and scary*?

If Chaffetz is retiring from politics period....that could and should be taken for tremors for a political earthquake.


What an unholy alliance of shitheadedry.

Hey, Jason Chaffetz is running for POTUS in 2028. Maybe the Jets will have rebuilt enough to be posing with him by his second term.

LOL worthless white trash.

Way to out yourself as a worthless piece of shit.

No, he’s saying that the eyes are a part of fetal alcohol syndrome.

I am not interested in this. But I don’t care if other people are.

You think that you deserve better than ad hominem attacks?

You know what’s worth less than dogshit?