
Trump didn’t get elected because people like you got their fee-fees hurt by people telling them the ugly truth. He got elected because people sat home because they were sure he’d lose. Look at the polls and the special elections. You’re getting your ass kicked in 2018.

Gizmodo and Jalopnik both have a lot of Internet Liars.

Ever notice how many of them like to lie online about what they do for a living? Like really obvious lies? I think there’s a psychological salve of sorts for them in doing so.

Sarcasm doesn’t work for fucking idiots.

Here we go.

Hey, know that evil “government” that you all hate so much?

 Dude. This is what you tell these people: “You will always be white trash.”

“That would constitute an undue firing, so you better be ready to lawyer the fuck up. The press will be getting a good earful too”

Yeah well guess what? For 9.9 out of 10 people, it’s never going to fucking happen.

And that’s exactly why HS makes sports into everything.

The state gave us Mike Pence. It can get fucked.

Know how the Civil Rights Act excludes private clubs?

Seriously though.....this proves once again that white Southerners have more in common with animals than humans, and need the guiding hand of the superior people of the North.

“A millennial blogger”

Government, it’s past time that you got involved.

Wow. Marvel has no balls.

The Cubs are a better team. And nothing will change this.

Know, not no.

Either way, it’s true. You are shit and your family is shit.

Sigh. You’re right and I know it.