
And you come back with a 12 year old Chapelle joke. God you’re fucking stupid. This is why Employee of the Month is the most you’ll ever do.

Not my fault that you are worthless white trash.

Your mother should have had an abortion.

Totally agreed.

The first time that has ever been uttered on Kinja.

You really fucking think that the stance of “We don’t want war with Syria” is a minority?

He went and took a shit. We used to do it in wrestling all the time.

First off, Putin wants open war as badly as we do.

Is Bobby Heenan eligible?

But why would Putin do that? Beyond wanting to give Trump a chance to look muscular, maybe?

I wasn’t projecting or even accusing you, I was mocking the advisors in Washington who are doubtlessly throwing around that word even as we’re typing. Ah, the limitations of online discourse.

...And disease from depleted uranium shells, both there and with our vets. 

Get back to the fry station and shut the fuck up, dipshit. Superior people to you are talking.

They DID move most of it.

....Uh, the action against the Barbary Pirates?

It was the BASIC right call, but he DIDN’T do it right. Why the fuck were the Russians warned? Fuck, we should be bombing them directly!

Because Trump is sinking like a ship packed with lead, and the MSM doesn’t want that this early in his administration. They can still milk headlines out of him.


Funny how “Kill em all in the Middle East” ‘Mericans shrink from the idea of a war with China.

Nice strawman, but it would be a bit stronger without the knowledge that the US and Britain could have bombed the railways leading to the death camps and deliberately chose not to do it. Partially because Churchill was almost as big of a racist as the Nazis.