
“I’m not understand Ultra Liberals right now”

So we did tip them off, and they did tip off the Syrians.

Hey, at least they tell the truth online about what they love and their ability to afford it, unlike the denizens of a certain other subsidary of Gawker that I can think of.

“How much do they sweat?”

Why the bald-headed fuck would we do that? You know they’re going to give Syria notice in return.

There’s not going to be a war. What happened was this: Assad stupidly went full Saddam and committed an atrocity that the West couldn’t just ignore, Trump saw an opportunity to gain back political points(the Repubs are struggling in a KANSAS election, ffs), Putin will make noise but is happy to see his puppet get back

Well, good thing Mass. doesn’t have the death penalty anymore. Cause that shit would be carried out in 2046.

I’d make a comment about Putin calling in loans due to the deaths of Russian air defense personnel in Syria, but we all know that Putin doesn’t give a shit over the deaths of Russian soldiers.

This actually kind of sucks. I always thought they were adorable.

“Good thing this doesn’t affect me!”

These people are also known as “Raiders fans”.

All I know is this....anyone who wants good relations with a child murderer from the same political party as Saddam Hussein needs to be boiled in leper shit.

“Listen, I don’t want to get political”

Maybe something like this needs to be organized.

I wouldn’t know; I haven’t watched him since 2008.

Um, because Gen X didn’t raise the millennials for the most part, as explained elsewhere?

I think there’s an onion aroma coming off of this video, making my eyes water. Yeah, that’s the ticket...

If you’re wondering why vets that age are still in the business, then I have to question how much you ever knew the industry. Andre the Giant first stepped into a ring during the Kennedy Administration and was one of the biggest stars of the WWF in the 80's.

Agreed. Someone needs to tell Jericho the truth about Fozzy.

It’s not just them. They have NOTHING to work with. Roman Reigns is proof that they can’t just make someone at will.