
You defended rape, you walrus-gutted shit-person.

That could be....

There’s no silencing anything. It’s the free market.

Sure it will. You think that everyone thinks like you...but were that the case(stop me when I use too big of words for you like “case”), this would be a Third World country. You’re a worthless piece of shit, and you have no future, Cletus.

Wow. I REALLY hit close to home with you.

I can see Draymond Green doing that to a man.

“This is why you lost the house, blah blah blah....”

I’m not silencing you, I’m insulting you. Get it right.

Oh, yeah. Piss away there. Closest thing those people will have had to a shower in six months.

Like the handle. Chiefs fan?

What the fuck is your skin in the deal? Your shit-brained self isn’t even getting your GED, let alone into these schools.

Hopefully none. What he did was horrible, but desecrating graves is just low.

Huh. His wife is 14 years younger than him....

Who said anything about Trump?

Which kind of makes you the stupid one for bragging about it, but ok. Run along now.

+ Jerry Lawler

....What exactly do you think I fucking want out of this? I just wondered what the judge’s political affiliation was.

“This $700 phone”

I’ve said it before, but it bears saying again: The worst thing that happened to WWE was WCW’s death.

“Tina Louise is my cousin”