
You don’t own your own company. Shut your lying ass up.

Huh. Seems to me like you’re bragging about something that you had no effect on.

“I’m a Spartan”

Hm, yes. Amusing. Now get to the burgers.

You know, this is amusing, but while you’re raging at me, your customers’s burgers are getting cold.

Love the handle.

Lesse. Racism, sexism, homophobia, Internet Lying, total lack of creativity, limited logic, veiled threats(wanna know where I am so you can do what, throw a fucking empty 40 at me?), using the same insults that were just used on you....

You’re just proving me right with every post, chief.

Not female, but your presumption makes it clear that you hate them.

If I did, that would put me ahead of everyone in your family.

All the Lakes in the world won’t change the fact that Adam Copeland fucked his woman.

Admit it, you stole that line from the corporate boardroom at ESPN HQ.

Given the very existence of the PGA Championships Tour(which he is still 9 years away from being eligible for), his age can’t be the answer. Did the bad press from the fallout with Elin really fuck him up that much?

Come back when you have insults that weren’t just thrown at you, stud.

.......You just copy my insults and stay the stupidest shit. Why the fuck should amyone believe you when you try to imply that you went to a private school?

Perfectly aware of what projection is, but that’s not the case. Look at your logic, your grammar, your....everything.

“I’m not a lawyer”

This magical world of the Internet where you can lie at will is fun for you, is it?

Why are you mocking public school? Like your white trash ass would go anywhere else.

Oh hey, homophobia as a response! Thanks for confirming that you’re a worthless redneck who would be thrown out of a four-star restaurant headfirst.