
What’s faulty about it? Your family is worth less than dogshit. That is a fact.

That retarded-ass comeback will never change the fact that you should have been aborted.

Q: How do you circumcise Spr0ckets?

Q: What did Sprocket’s mother do after giving birth to him?

Why are you talking to me and not running the fry machine so that better people than you can eat? You and your family are fucking worthless, and your birth was a fucking mistake. Shit has more of a future than you do.

........Then why this ruling?

Anyone know who her political affiliation is? I can’t find it anywhere on Google

Seriously, you need not to have so much faith in your average schmuck. There are people who are shit.

“Hey, this system got us to 2017!”

......There’s a reason that you’re fucking fat.

PS: The Cubs are going to assrape the Brewers this year.

“I, BrewCrew82, am a worthless, ignorant, trailer-dwelling piece of shit, and my mother should have had an abortion.”

“It sucks, but it’s the best there is”

You know, lying is still a sin, even if you do it online.

snbatman, your mother should have had an abortion. 

But bicyclists pay other taxes.

If being in the car makes you feel tough, just remember....you have to get your fat ass out sometime.

In Iowa, bicyclists HAVE to be in the road.

Why do YOU have the undisputed right to the road? Because you’re a piece of shit?

1. You don’t get it. I’m not saying that your expertise doesn’t matter, I’m saying that I DON’T BELIEVE THAT YOU HAVE THAT EXPERTISE AT ALL!!! Every day on here, I run into people who try to win arguments by claiming some kind of job or social status, and when asked for proof, they get indignant or run away. So tell