
No, why the fuck should I believe you HAVE the expertise? There’s a lot of Internet Liars out there....

If Hollywood is really as pro-sense as it claims, it would do a moratorium on action movies. These beast-people can’t handle it.

Now I need to look up “Bars in Nevada that accept food stamps”.

Wait....how is this a bad thing?

“It’s getting worryingly close to football season”

“im speaking as someone who makes music for a living”

The reason that the “polite, gun-owning society” logic is fallacious: If everyone owns a gun, then everyone can fight back, and its human nature(especially in males) to think of yourself as the hardass who will win instead of the victim who will lose—Hollywood does NOT help with this, but that’s another story.

Is anyone else scared of the inevitability that the mindset of “right to have guns ANYWHERE AND ANYTIME” will lead to a first-degree murder defense of “I have the right to use my gun, even if it results in their death”?

Looks like someone figured out the obvious: A competitive endeavor which people have a highly emotional investment in + copious alcohol in the tailgates and time during the game itself for that beer to really sink into the arteries + the presence of opposing fans who want the exact opposite thing that you do AND the

Holy Unexpected Sanity, Batman.

I think POPULAR music is crap right now, although honestly? It’s improved from the aughts.

Wow. What a wonderful argument!

Economists: Getting money to say what everyone already knows and to make rich people feel better since 1777.

If you do some digging and are up to date on new music, you’ll find original works, but popular, mainstream music then and now is much the same. Around 2006, the stasis really hits.

Sturgeon’s Law.

Why? What kind of person is this? I’m about as big on Bloomberg talking heads as Cowen is on current music, so....

You forgot about obnoxiously slipping in that he’s a dad.

The idea of 90's music sounding like it’s from anywhere other than the 90's is ridiculous. Even if I’ve never heard of a 90's tune before, I just have to hear the first few chords and I know it for what it is.

I fucking loathe when people do that. A good counter for when some redneck says “The American people want X and X and blah blah blah”—point out that if the American people thought like they do, we’d all be living in trailer parks.

I personally don’t give a shit if what I listen to is popular.