
SNL. Ouch.

Jesus H Christ. I didn’t see that part.

He got it off by 5 years. 90's shit is undeniably different, but around 9/11..a stasis kind of starts to occur. It’s not being old to admit that culturally(at least as far as movies and music go), we are in shit times.

Um. I’m a Millennial, and I’m sorry.....he has a LOT of points. There’s no doubting that he carries himself in a sanctimonious, baby-boomers-are-so-great attitude that sours his points, and he seems to forget that the media treated Iraq differently than Vietnam, but...

So instead of waiting until early 2019, we wait until early 2021. Got it.

Hoo boy.

You know, in other countries....that’s called corruption.

So then, can’t a Democratic Congress—like the one that is dead certain to be elected in 2018 if this shit keeps up—just regrant the FCC the right to make the right calls?

On the one hand....Goodell makes Hitler shake his head. On the other hand, 2 out of 3 Patriots fans are pieces of shit who will never taste the ambrosia of victory from something of their own doing.

Is that Drew Magary?

........FINALLY....the Rog has come BACK...to Beantown!!

Wholeheartedly agreed. Yelp and Trip Advisor? It’s time to start policing your fucking backyards.

......Because Kentucky shouldn’t even be allowed to be a full state in the Union?

Seriously. This is why maybe the South shouldn’t have Internet.

Counter-CounterPoint: Santa Fe.

A LOT of young women get pissy if called ma’am.

“This will bring in loads of money-spending fans!”

Look at what happened in the playoffs. They’re always one Derek Carr injury away from the Raiders of old.

Until the Raiders fans start killing them.

Anecdotes: A shitty way to make your point.