
This is a special scenario though. Raiders fans, by and large, tend to be human shit.

Will Giri’s Young vs. Old narrative do a complete 180 by 2030? You know it will!

First off, if you’re an Arab in Saudi Arabia making an anti-Islam YouTube video.....you’ve got bigger issues coming your way than the banning of the video. Hoo boy.

Note: Said old MMA fighter is still in better shape than Ostentatiously Polysyllabical ever will be.

They have them, it’s just the older guys.

Hey, blame the younger generation for not, you know, producing anyone who can shoulder the future.

Oh yes, that game. If God ever made his opinion known on the LA move, that was it.

No one deserves anything. And attitudes like yours are why this country will one day bend the knee to China.

......You don’t watch much TV, I take it.

Nah, they weren’t. And neither are you.

You may want to quit defending the rich. You will never join their ranks, chief.

And your parents should be publically whipped for the way they raised you.

Yeah, because it’s not like sports CEOs are ever collectively stupid and hive-minded, huh?

Honestly? When he’s the same age that Babe Ruth is today.

In all seriousness and without snark....Raiders, I’d take this opportunity to kill the pirate and maybe the silver and black. Get rid of the gangbangers.

A lot “As a Raiders fan...” posts.

Oh yay, a Raiders fan is coming, Vegas! Hope you like meth money!

They’re thinking about out-of-towners. Also unintelligent, as out-of-towners will have 1001 other options.

Agreed. Better that out-of-towners will be taxed than residents. Don’t like it? Don’t come to Vegas; they’ll fill your gap somehow.

What we need is an overriding government that can say “Nope, conditions will be the same if you move.” Something like a...federal government...but with balls.