
No one gives two squirts of piss what does or does not work you up. 

I, for one, support you.

The over under on you getting fired from Wal-Mart because you have Old Milwaukee on your breath is three months.

Oakland fans would rather die, or even worse, get jobs, than cheer for the Niners.

Fuck the Gruden family as a whole.

Shut the fuck up. You’re as stupid in sports as you are in everything else.

Toronto. London. Maybe Mexico City.

Hey government?

I don’t know, the Chargers seem to be slightly better at losing to the Chiefs....

They’re Raider fans. That answers your question about their buying tickets.

Americans think they have a right to everything. Their parents, in general, did a shitty job.

What? It’s correct. He and you are both trailer park dwellers with no fucking future, who are not worth trying to debate. I don’t have the time for it.

And the decision of local government to do that had nothing to do with bribery, did it?

Marcolnaros, go fuck yourself.

And this is how you operate: “Can I get you fries with that?”

He’s proud of his white skin, so that gives me an idea.

I’m sure that a city of Ohio State fans is so heartbroken that they missed two SEC teams*.

Old people tend not to use their phones and still need warning. Not all of us were born after 9/11, son.

Suit yourself. It’s not like I did anything more than click on your name.

Agreed there.