
Q: What did sowhaaa’s mother do after giving birth to him?

Your opinion is noted. Now get back to the fry station, worthless white trash. People who are better than you want their food.

“Liar Liar” the situation. Fuck, that’d be great. Except we would hit disaster once Trump starts talking about Ivanka; A Nation Gets TMI.

“They can’t do what I do”

And now, because I’m answering your responses, I’m stalking you.

Yay! More logic tricks that you learned from Faux News!

Why should I feel threatened? There was a good President in office.

No, it’s not a coincidence, you’re right. Trump’s fluke victory made it clear that we’d been asleep at the wheel.

You do know that your history can be read, right?

You’re going to make me spell it out, aren’t you? It’s funny because you and your co-workers support right-wing policies...and....well...you’re fucking meat packers. Here’s a general rule: If you are at all in a position where you can be legitimately threatened in your job by illegals...then Republican policies aren’t

Give it the fuck up. We know you learn this shit on right-wing websites. The one group that cannot be tolerated is the intolerant.

We shouldn’t. Again, read Popper—intolerance is ironically the one thing we have to be intolerant of.

Sorry if I offended you, but as a white person with a working brain, I’m tired of seeing a certain subset of lower-class whites behave in EXACTLY the same manner that minorities allegedly behave in, and the white community acts like it doesn’t exist.

These pieces of shit will try and make it about free speech, because they think they should have the right to do whatever without consequences. Because their children, and their parents should be forced to pay heavy fines for the way they raised them.


......So when are we going to deport the white trash who commit rapes every day and no one says a fucking word?

This asshole’s a Texan....you think that knows about or gives a shit about British culture?

There’s a reason why every single fucking time that Christian fundamentalists show up where they haven’t been before, they’re usually brutally killed.

Celt on Celt violence.

Abortions that should have been?