
Not all opinions are equally valid. Some people are better educated than others. Some people are more experienced than others. Some people are just SMARTER than others.

It’s up to the police to do that though. This man’s lot in life is run the cashier when we rent pornos, not try to be a hero.

“Free Speech Free Speech Free Speech”

Just read your history. Right-winger who works in a meat-packing plant, hm? That’s hilarious.

I was thinking the same thing.

We really need to ban Texans from holding committee chairs.

Thank God that there are other options in the international community who are still willing to fund stem cell research and climate change research.

I can’t possibly be in a bad mood after that.

....You know, you may as well put in vets and win now...because if you think that there’s a future to prepare for, you haven’t been paying attention to Trump.

Good point.

Maybe you should go back and read my other responses.

A proxy war and return to the Cold War is bad enough.

Oh no. The minute you open your toothless mouth, they know you’re from Appalachia.

Still smarter than you, piece of shit. Now get back to the fry station; people who are better than you and your family want their breakfast.

Juicy37 is worthless white trash who should have been been aborted.


That part is exciting. Not so exciting? The looming possibility of war with Russia.

Don’t party too hard. That makes Mike Pence President.

I know. It’s nice to be pro-American without the shadow of politics and Donald Trump behind it.

I think it’s when all the money gets involved. Higher stakes, and all that. I hate to say it, but professionalism and fun are two concepts that aren’t really on speaking terms.